Worried its Pancreatic Cancer...

  • 34 replies
  • 46 subscribers

I've not been diagnosed, but, all the symptoms are there, doctors can't see passed my anxiety, (which I never had til this pain started) . 12 weeks ago I went to doctors with an uncomfortable feeling in upper left abdomen and dizziness.. Sent me for ultrasound and bloods  All clear.. See 3 more doctors as was losing weight, no appetite, metal taste and floating yellow stools.. Went to G I Doctor, he said its muscular????? But would do stool test and endoscopy  Elactase and fecal calprotein normal.. Endoscopy mold gastritis, stomach polyps but nothing.. Been in and out of A and E with pain, routine bloods OK.. Blood and protein in urine so had ct scan and kidneys were fine.. Went back to G I doctor and asked for ct scan with contrast which he agreed to, all clear so he says it's in my head, basically.. 2 weeks ago my veins appeared all prominent in my feet, legs, hands and arms.. Sometimes they burnt, ached but knew it wasn't right.. G I doctor said its nothing to do with pancreas.. Had 2nd opinion yesterday, he basically laughed at me, said I just need reassurance as I've anxiety.. I'm now seeing a private G I doctor tonight  How do I get him to see me as me without anxiety that's written in the referral. As it stands my symptoms are upper left abdominal pain into back, feeling like a ball in my ribs, yellow floating stools, lost 32lbs in 12 weeks, dizziness, metal taste, band feeling under ribs, gurgling stomach non stop, feels like I have something stuck in my throat, bloating, the list just goes on....... Has anyone had it this hard to try to get someone to listen..... 

  • Hi  and welcome to the online community

    I don't have pancreatic cancer so don't know if any of your symptoms are those of that cancer. I assume you've diagnosed yourself via Dr Google, who is no where near as reliable as a real doctor, and your symptoms could be the sign of something else and not cancer at all.

    As to how to get the doctor you're seeing this evening to listen to you I'd suggest that you write all your symptoms down along with dates, etc of when you noticed them. Hand this to him so that he can read it and hopefully that will help. Doctors are trained to be able to see passed the anxiety and concentrate on the symptoms so you shouldn't need to worry that he won't listen to you.

    However, if I've counted up correctly, I think the doctor you're seeing tonight will be the 7th doctor you'll have seen with your symptoms. If this doctor also thinks you don't have cancer then I think you should accept this and go back to your GP to see about help for your health anxiety. I know you say that you didn't have this until 3 months ago but you don't want it to take over your life anymore than you want to be diagnosed with cancer.

    All the best

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember

    Hi Laylalou19, 

    It is really difficult to diagnose pancreatic cancer.  I went through 2 months of tests including ultrasounds and blood tests and everything came back clear.  I had the weight loss, ostrich egg just below the rids, and even a pulse as well as bloating.  I spent 8 hours  up in A&E and they diagnosed constipation.  Three days later I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer by a private GI.  The CT scan and endoscopy would normally pick up pancreatic cancer.  The private GI is likely to be more sympathetic.


  • Hi

    How did you get on at the doctor's this evening?

    Hope all went well x

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to latchbrook

    Hello.. Well he listened, he agrees something is going on and is going to go through all my tests and blood tests etc and talk to his team and my other G I doctor to advise him what to be done so I don't have to pay private for it. I just know it's pancreatic cancer. I have said from day one it was.. Paying £250 has actually got someone to listen to me but its been over 12 weeks now.. I've been to A and E 10 times.. Its because I'm not jaundice etc and that's why no one listened. The diagnosis has been from muscular, celiac disease, ibs, fibromyalgia......... Thanks for asking though x

  • That's great that he listened . I hope it doesn't turn out to be cancer though but if it does then you will find plenty of people on here who can offer support.

    All the best x

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi, that's what worries me. It's now been 3 months.. Its just annoying as I said from the start thats what it was but unfortunately it got me no where as they all thought I had anxiety problems.. Never suffered with anxiety until I wasn't being listened to. Will see what happens over the next few days. Thank you for having to time to tell me about yours  Hope you are feeling OK x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Just heard from my private consultant who has had meeting with colleagues, radiologists and my NHS consultant. He's said I need my gallbladder checking and a colonoscopy...  I just know if they did another scan they would see what was happening. Since my last scan I've got so many more symptoms..

    I just know this isn't my gallbladder. . Not having food day today x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That should say 'good' 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi again,

    It could well be your gallbladder, you will have very similar symptoms.  I know this because my brother had his gallbladder out after showing very similar symptoms to my pancreatic cancer.  That was over 10 years ago and he has been fine.  When I started feeling unwell this year and the more obvious illnesses were discounted, we went down the gallbladder route as this seemed the most likely.  Think positive and hope that it is the gallbladder.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Well on Friday I saw my consultant who sent me for blood tests  They took 6 files.. Along with more scans etc this next week. He's rang to say all bloods came back and are clear... I'm so confused. I've really had a battle with this in last 13 weeks and now they are all clear as well it really is proving difficult to diagnose  I have so many symptoms of pancreatic cancer and it's getting harder to diagnose. Thank you to anyone who reads this and replies