Mam has been told they think she might have a precancerous cyst

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Hi Everyone 

I was on here alot back In 2017 when my mum and dad were diagnosed with cancer at the same time.

Dad had stage 3 osphegeal cancer which  had it successfully removed by surgery and had the all clear and is fully discharged now. 

Mam had stage 3a lung cancer , although was unable to have surgery due to her COPD she had chemo and rads which was also successful,  however she's always been under surveillance.

Her latest CT scan with Dye contrast  showed that a cyst they found on her pancreas in 2022 have grown and has been  referred to the gastric team from her lung consultant- they advised they want her to do an endoscopy , biopsy - and maybe surgery incase it's pre cancerous. 

My mam has COPD , breathing difficulties and would never be a candidate for surgery let alone tolerate the endoscopy. 

They want her to go and see the team on Thursday (on her birthday Birthday lol ( nice present huh ) 

I've spoke to my mam and she said what's the point in going as she said she is unable to tolate an endoscopy and said they wouldn't put me to sleep anyway because of her COPD . 

Ive rang and they said they will just ring her uf she wants and discharge her as she already has scans on her lungs every 6 month. 

Anyway I'm on here to ask if anyone else has ever had this situation and what was the outcome. 

I'm wondering if the pre cancer cyst always turns out to be cancer ect ? 

  1. Thanks Grinning 
  • Hi  

    Sorry to hear about your mum, though good to hear about there previous experience with cancer.

    My experience with cancer is very different so cannot really answer your question, perhaps you could use our Ask a Nurse who might be able to give you more information. 

    If your mum goes ahead with the appointment I am sure she will be able to discuss the risks of endoscopy and surgery with her COPD. It is good to be aware of both positives and negatives - but is is really hard.



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