Pancreatic cancer worry

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  • 25 subscribers

So I feel like I need to ask others there experiences of how they started to experience having pancreatic cancer to mainly see if what I’m experiencing matches up.

To set the scene around 18 months ago I had a severe case of gastritis that effects my system per mentally and for a few months felt pain as if I was constantly having appendicitis. This settled down but after ct and is loud I was told I had diverticulosis.

The gastric system however has altered severely and I often get sharp referred pain through colon track. 

Late last year I started getting pains around my gallbladder area on multiple occasions and assumed I had a gallstone passing as there were a couple of incidents where I had agony in the pancreas due to inflammation which came from the gall bladder in the first place.

Fasy forward to around about 6 weeks back where I started to notice a weird dull ache sitting below the rib cage near the bottom of left hand side. It was intermittent at first but over time it’s nearly constant. The pain is now causing aching pain down thecentre of pain , the side if the rib cage and even u beneath the bottom of the right hand side rib cage.

Now I wouldn’t be jumping to conclusions if it wasn’t for fact my gran and her father both died from Pancreatic cancer. My minds now whirling and you know what it’s like you get online and search symptoms and it is dead in your face. I myself am 41 male who dies gave ibs and gerd however this pain is not the same as I experience and never that high in the abdomen.

So what I am asking is gas anyone else had this dull like pain that confirmed to be PC or does anyone have any other ideas what other things it may be as online the other pains in that area for other main illnesses seem much sharper or burning and my pain is more nagging and dull.

I have just had routine bloods and have a follow up GP appointment and am fully aware how difficult it is to get that diagnosis but would be good to see if anyone relates.

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