Chemo side effects

  • 3 replies
  • 25 subscribers

I am having palliative chemotherapy fora liver metastasis. I am struggling with the regime due to side effects. The treatment is IV Gemcitabine and Abraxane. I am a week post my last chemo and feel rubbish still. Cycle 3 starts again next week and I am frightened, anxious suffering with mixed emotions. Montgomery 

  • Hi Montgomery

    I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with your chemo and with the side effects.

    I had chemo in 2022- different one to you- but the side effects can be tough to manage. Mine was a 21 day cycle and it felt like I would feel pretty rough for the first couple of weeks and then had one week where I felt a bit better but then it was preparing for the next cycle.  It can feel overwhelming and scary. Relentless is a word that springs to mind. 

    What I did find though was that a lot of the side effects can be managed either with medication or changes in doses. Have you been given a book to write in each day- I found that helpful as when you have your review it helps you remember how you felt on each day and I found that the days were similar with each cycle. Knowing what to expect helped and also if I was having a bad day I could look back and know when things were likely to improve. 

    I would also advise you to call your hospital 24 hour cancer line if needed as mine never minded and were often able to give some reassurance over the phone. Just knowing that what I was experiencing was normal- helped. 

    It is normal for your emotions to be a bit all over the place- I found in particular the steroids had this effect. Also just the enormity sometimes of facing the diagnosis and having the treatment- it is not surprising. If chatting things through would help, then I can recommend the Support Line. The number is below. 

    I found a lot of the time it was a case of going with the flow, resting up as much as possible and reaching out to my CNS/hospital when needed. My dose of one of my chemo's was reduced slightly for my second cycle and that made a big difference. Also having my steroids put on a tapering dose helped. Do talk to your hospital as there is a lot they can do to make the chemo feel more manageable. 

    Hope this helps a bit and I hope that your next cycle feels more manageable.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you for your insight Jane, it helped.

    Unfortunately my chemo this time is palliative, as it has returned in my liver, so if I say too much to my consultant I think he will with draw treatment. I hopefully will start cycle 3 tomorrow, what I would like to achieve is all 3 doses in succession, without having to delay.

    I have also just found out I have become type 2 diabetic. 

    Thanks again

  • Hi Montgomery

    I can understand you feeling concerned about talking to the consultant for fear of the chemo being withdrawn. It is a tough situation to be in and I can get that you would like to achieve all 3 doses. 

    I hope that your chemo goes well tomorrow and that you do not feel too rubbish this time. 

    Good Luck



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm