Husband diagnosed with pancreatic cancer liver metastasis

  • 4 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi my husbands had diagnosis of pancreatic cancer and liver metastasis. This has come as a huge shock we were told in January no cancer but test results went missing. He has had bypass surgery to relieve symptoms and has returned home to get strong enough to have palliative chemo, I’m so scared as he doesn’t seem to be getting stronger just weaker I’m having to feed him through an nj tube has anyone been through this before is he likely to get stronger he not having any real food, I’ve never been on any sort of forum before but I am so distraught and sick with worry 

  • I am so sorry to hear this. It is such a shock and it’s so difficult as a partner/carer to watch them struggling. I have found a lot of comfort in this forum from others in a similar position (my partner has inoperable pancreatic cancer) and the best advice I have had is to take each day as it comes. It is so hard, I’m starting to open up about it more to friends and family and asking for help rather than trying to manage everything. Have you tried calling Macmillan too? X

  • Thanks so much for your reply I’m not much of a talker so haven’t actually phoned any helplines I don’t even think I’m capable of talking when I try to I end up a sobbing mess. I can stay strong in front of my husband but I just feel so useless to him as I can’t make him better I struggle with his feeding (he has an nj tube) I try to look confident but it terrified me in case I do it wrong I’m going to take your advice 1 day at a time and hope for better days ahead and thanks again 

  • Hello, diagnosed with a similar one to your husband in December 2023, I have had 20 cycles of Folforinox and then attempted 3 cycles of GemCap from Jan24 through to March. This is the end of line in terms of available chemo treatments for pancreas.

    My initial symptom had been inability to swallow so weight loss has happened on three occasion (one now, one with Folforinox and one with GemCap). Each occasion was slightly different but in each case the Fortijuice (300Kcal) but there is also some yogurt style drinks (these have added protein). This are a good addition to calorie intake but are no substitute for real soups etc.

    Each episode was different i.e. different causes/side effects. I found that first chemo dealt with the swallowing issue and in subsequent cycles saw my taste and appetite recovering and along with that my weight started to recover. I have always made soups in the winter months, so (my partner) took that over and increased (and there was already a lot) the butter and cream contents until I could manage more solids.

    Make sure that you get as much help from family and friends, it is far superior to talk to them about most things. The support groups are great to broaden the knowledge pool around PC. 

    Best regards, VDR

  • I completely sympathise with you Msjinks.My husband was diagnosed early May and what he went through was awful. He had no appetite and was constantly tired, it affected me too and he lost 2 stone in weeks and I lost weight too as so hard watching someone struggling to eat.He managed to gain weight with Creon giving him appetite back, took a while to regulate how many to take with food so was a learning curve...but with steroids too hped him stat eating. The sad thing is he does all the cooking and seeing him standing not having the strength to bend down to get a pan was heart breaking. He loved cookery programmes and his aim is to cook me a dinner again.

    Following ERCP we have been to A &E 3 times. That is so traumatic in itself and even worse for a cancer patient. He has  been in AMU now for 10 days and is so much better, it seems he had lots of infections, he is still breathless but that is being monitored. Chemo has been off put twice but praying that he will come home and recover his strength to take chemo.

    I have a strong family and friends and try to get 'me' time but very hard.  I visited him later yesterday and met a friend for walk and dinner and even though I am worried he still might not be strong enough for chemo. I felt so much better.

    It is definately one day at a time, i cant plan anything but hope he comes home soon. Family and friends are soo important, share your tears and feelings you will feel better for it. Set up a  Whatsapp group for family and friends was a fab idea suggested by my friend as it is tiring updating people all the time.

    I really hope your husband gets stronger soon

    Sending special thoughts

