Upcoming EUS to check if adenoma has reached pancreas

  • 1 reply
  • 25 subscribers

I had an endoscopy on 7 March 2024. I have Gord and take omeprazole. My previous endoscopy was three years ago and I was just checking that all was well and that I didn't have Barrett's oesophagus. The gastroenterologist said my oesophagitis was fine but found an incidental ampiliary adenoma on my duedonum. He referred me to a specialist who was meant to cut it out via endoscopy with special kit. I also had abdominal and chest CT scans to see if there were any other adenomas but I think just this 3 + cm one. The specialist wants me to have an EUS to see if the adenoma has reached the pancreas and if it has then he has mentioned the Whipple procedure. It all seems quite complicated and wonder if anyone else has been in a similar situation? Getting very worried.

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