Vomiting bile after surgery

  • 1 reply
  • 24 subscribers

Hi everyone my husband had whipples surgery 15 days ago he came home 5 days ago he has been having stomach cramps and vomiting bile on and off. Has anyone else had these symptoms

Many thanks 

  • Hello Shinton1

    I am sorry to hear that your husband is having cramps and vomiting bile since his whipple's surgery. It must be really unpleasant for him. I would suggest that he contacts the hospital where he had the surgery to get some advice and to maybe be checked. If these symptoms are to be expected then perhaps some medication could be offered or at least some reassurance given. 

    If you would like to talk it through first, then perhaps give the Support Line a call and speak with one of the nurses. They would be able to talk through the recovery from the surgery and would know what would be normal at each stage.

    Hope this helps a bit and that your husbands stomach will settle soon.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm