Mum diagnosed with Stage IV

  • 2 replies
  • 25 subscribers


my mum has been unwell with stomach pain since January, after tests and being told 1000 different things, a scan showed a cyst on her pancreas that we were told was “pre-cancerous” and she was very lucky. 
Further tests a few weeks later, and we were told it was in fact cancerous, but hopefully was caught very early and could be operated on. 
Literally 10 days later, she is admitted for jaundice. Has a new up to date scan which showed it had spread to her Liver. Stage IV, uncureable. She is due for an operation tomorrow for a stent, then home, then hopefully chemo to give her more time.
Im absolutely beside myself. My mum is my best friend, I literally can’t imagine being in a world where she isn’t.
What do I do 

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community, though always somewhat sorry to see someone join our special club. My wife's cancer is very different but I normally post mostly in our Family and friends forum and Carers only forum where the focus might be more on our feelings. Hopefully someone in this forum might be able to provide some support to.

    Our journey to a cancer diagnosis was somewhat different to yours but any diagnosis is hard. I know looking at your feelings when someone has cancer I recognize a lot of what I went through. I ended up doing a living with less stress course that really helped me. The mindfulness bit of living in the here and now was so helpful in that I was getting really good at worrying about how I would cope in the future and it blocked me from appreciating what we have. The conscious breathing training was really useful when life decides it is time to throw us another curveball but also can be really helpful in relaxation and getting to sleep sometimes.

    Hope some of that helps and perhaps see you on here again.



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  • Hi Lillyfrog,

    Im so sorry to hear about your mum. My dad was diagnosed stage 3 pancreatic cancer mid March 2024, initially told it was operable and also had a stent fitted but sadly scans showed the tumour was wrapped around a major artery and not operable. 
    Dad started palliative chemo 3 weeks ago and it’s not been great (not that I expected it to be). 
    For me the initial shock was thinking about death all the time but I’m trying to change my mindset and see my dad as living with cancer and enjoying the good days. It’s still early days for me too, I’m pretty scared of what’s to come but hope joining this group I can try and help others and get some support myself.

    I’ve researched and read as much as I can and fully involved with hospital and care at home, this helps a bit feel in control, even if I’m not. My friends and wider family have been a god send and encourage you to seek support from them as you will need it.

    And most importantly please look after yourself. X x