Very scared,not understanding

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I had gallbladder removal 8 months ago,went back to doctors 5 times for blood work etc to make sure my numbers were good,I had one spot in left flank that kept hurting,I thought I was sleeping funny,went to chiropractor etc,finally went to a hospital for a CT scan( thinking muscle knot etc,) now just found out cancer of head on pancreas and liver spots,one lymph node effected...blood work normal,urine normal ,bowel normal,feel great except for that back ache..what happened in 7 months?? I'm so scared..waiting for a doctor to call me

  • Hi  and a very warm welcome to the online community which I hope you'll find is both an informative and supportive place to be. 

    I've had cancer twice but neither were pancreatic cancer so I can't help with any experiences there. However, I do understand how hard it can be waiting to find out what the treatment plan is.

    When are you due your telephone consultation?


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • My biospy is April 19..,I'm so confused my surgeon friend says it looks more like cysts,than cancer which would show up as a mass,also shows in my liver .I had a CT scan 7 months ago and everything was normal besides going through a pancreatitis attack caused by gallstones,do my gallbladder was removed,I just have back pain,no other symptoms,no jaundice,etc.if I'm in stage 4 like that lady doctor said why do I feel so healthy and all my blood work came back normal...I'm so sister looked at the scans and thinks it's cystic tumours that can grow a few days to months after a acute pancreatitis attack...I don't know

  • Hi I think you need to trust your Drs they have a lot of experience and are always checked by at least one other Dr I’m currently waiting for which if  confirmed will be my 6th diagnosis so I h@have  seen many Drs please message me if I can help there are some long waiting games and it’s not much fun Dee 

  • Thank you.

    I'm just a mess..if it's pancreas cancer I have less than a year,beside my self with grief..I wish you the best

  • Has your consultant told you that you have only a year to live if you have pancreatic cancer  or is that Dr Google? It's natural to think the worst but I agree with  that you need to have faith in the doctor who's looking after you. I know your friend means well but they won't have access to all the test results that your doctor has.

    Stay in touch


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • No,sadly I googled it..I'm just so scared..Er doctor says one thing,my surgeon doctor friend and his friend are leaning a different way,the ER doctor was trying to say my adrenal gland was cancerous,but that showed beign 7 months ago..I just don't know ,I just know the ER doctor scared me to death and said it spread to liver and that gland..makes no sense,but something is definitely going on,I feel healthy except for backpain,which Tylenol takes it away.i know there's growth  ,cysts or tumor on head of pancreas that's probably hitting up against my back...I just don't know..I'm scared beyond scared

  • Please stay away from Google. Google is not your friend at the moment and will always give you the worse case scenario. Google also cannot diagnose what's wrong.

    Have you been allocated a cancer nurse specialist (CNS), sometimes referred to as a keyworker, at your hospital yet? If you have, I'd suggest that you give her a call on Tuesday to chat through your worries and concerns. If you haven't been allocated one yet then phone your consultant's secretary and ask for the contact details of the CNS. 

    You'll probably have to leave the CNS a message on an answerphone, as they spend most of their day talking to patients and supporting the consultant, but they will get back to you.

    Someone much wiser than me once pointed out that no amount of worry will change the outcome but it will ruin the present. I try to live by that.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I'm sure I will get one by the time I go in for a biopsy,I'm going to MD are correct though,worry doesn't change anything,but I was born a worrier( Laughing) thank you for your kind response,

  • Hi Lou berry, the problem with bloods is that you need a CA-19 test to pick up Pancreatic Cancer. My husbands blood work came back normal apart from a slightly raised sugar level, but had a 3mm tumour in the head. 
    The wait is very scary but best to see the specialists in that field and get the true result not “ a think”diagnoses. 
    I think we are all looking for hope!!!! I hope your scan went ok today.