How to help!

  • 2 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi everyone.

My mum was diagnosed with locally advanced pancreatic cancer last December. She managed the majority of her chemo like a trooper. She finished her chemo in July. Mum lost her appetite about June time and in August was put on supplements. That is all she has had since - she refuses to eat coming up with one excuse after another. She's also started lying to us which isn't helping, along with having chemo-brain, which isn't improving. We've spoken to her, the doctors have and she's not listening, she knows best. We take her to her appointments but are not allowed to ask questions unless we ask her first. She has now said it is up to her what she shares with me and my sister. 

Although I agree with her, it's not helpful with her forgetful-ness. Only want the best for her but we're going to lose her sooner if she doesn't help herself. I'm really struggling with how to help or where to turn. 


  • Hello Pele75

    This is frustrating, I understand. Your mother says she knows best and she does. She is the patient!

    My advice to you is to go along with what your mother wants to do. It is her illness and she should manage the way she feels best to do. Hard as it is, the most important feelings are those of your mother.


  • Thank you Squeaky for your reply. I know you're right. Mum's mid 70's and struggling to remember things. Just need doctors to see it. Getting quite scary now she's diabetic too. I've been through cancer myself, so know what a horrible scary place it is. All we want is the best for mum, as we all do.