I live behind my smiles

  • 3 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I have been living with Pancreatic cancer now for over a year, everyday I get I thank god. I've had 12 session of FOLFIRINOX chemo, and they attempted to remove my cancer in October 2021, unfortunately this was not possible due to being located in / around main blood vessels. I have had a good few knocks along the way. Sepsis , covid then sepsis again . I am now tanlet chemo in the hope that it can keep it at bay. Luckly I have come back fighting everything. I feel as strong as an Ox most of the time. I still run my business and go about doing my daily things. I am hiding the fear and desperation I feel sometimes behind my smiles. I know I am uncurable, I just can't understand and comprehend what this means. I live in hope that my fight continues for years to come 

  • Hi 

    That's great to hear how you're feeling physically but I know how difficult it can be mentally.

    I wondered if you might like to look at joining the living with incurable cancer group as this would give you the opportunity of connecting directly with others who will understand what you're going through. If this is something that you think might help just click on the link I've created which will take you there.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • This must be such a dark thing to carry around with you.  Glad you are strong, keep strong im sure it will make so much difference.  Have some self care and be as selfish as you need to be. 

  • Well done you for carrying  on . I'm just  about  to have sabreknife  radiotherapy.  Had a whipple  2 years ago but cancer has returned  and I'm severely allergic to chemo. I admire anyone trying  to live as best they can with this horrible  disease.  I know what you mean by behind  the smiles. Sending  lots of support