mixed opinions by Gps

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

High Guys , CA 19-9 reads 150, (Pancreas) now one doctor says its up from the norm another said its ok and that its not in the thousands.? Have a phone appointment with a consultant next week to talk about all this and to say what may happen next. Now I know there is something not working as it should with regards to symtoms however I still do not unterstand  these measurements .Please explain if you can. Many Thanks .Minerva .x

  • Hello Minerva

    The CA19-9 test is one of many tests which is used to try to ascertain the level of protein in the blood which may be an indication of how cancer has spread. It is usually used with other tests. GPs and other medics may have different views on whether it gives a normal result. I hope your appointment with the consultant is helpful.


  • Thanks Squeaky, Will let you know what consultant say's on tuesday. x

  • Hi Again, Spoke to consultant yesterday ,he says in his world he is not too concerned of rise in markers as they are not high enough.He is however concerned that I have blood in my faeces and it needs checking to see if it is coming from there or somewhere else. I  go for a scan on saturday(forget which one ,do know I get dye injection ] Also book for camera up and down in two weeks. x

  • Hi Minerva

    It's good things are moving quickly. Let us know how you get on.
