My partner has bad wind and indigestion

  • 3 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi is there anything you can do for bad wind and indigestion  ? 

Thanks x

  • Hi . I'm actually from a different group but I have heard peppermint tea helps for wind and as I get acid reflux I'm prescribed Lansoprazole. I also had to change my diet from my previous love of pulses and wholegrain foods with fruit and fibre as i was basically becoming a fermentation vat. Had to swap to white bread, white rice etc.

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    Sending hugs, B xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi did this resolve for you? 

  • Hi I'm new here. Just wanted to say that I take about 15 to 18 croon per day on the advice of a dietitian  and it definitely  seems to help. 4 or 5 with meals and 2 or 3 with snacks

    Good luck x