Stopping the chemo

  • 9 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Hi all. 

My husband was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer that had spread in December last year. He has had one cycle of Folfirinox and he reacted very badly to it. Just starting now to eat slightly better again. He didn't want to have Folfirinox again and also decided against Gemcitabine. So now it's just the normal meds, Creon, Oxycontin, Oxinorm, Cyclizine etc. Has anyone known of anyone going through this appalling journey without chemo and managing to live for a few months? 

Would appreciate any advice. TIA xx

  • Hello JaneB123

    Yes, there are people who do not wish to have chemo. In fact, I think there have been some recent posts on this. Length of survival rates of people with inoperable cancer vary tremendously. My advice is to try to enjoy each day at a time. Believe it or not there will be some good days.


  • I’m sorry more people haven’t offered advice, I’ve just posted a similar question (only far more long winded) in the ‘ask an expert’ section - you could have a look at mine to see if I get any answers? I guess people will say they can’t estimate time, but I wonder whether they can estimate quality of life - the cancer as opposed to the hell of folfirinox. 

  • Hi there, welcome.

    My Dad had the whipple op back in summer 2019 followed by folfirinox. He managed 10 out of 12 cycles as it caused big probs with low platelets. After a period of stability, the cancer recurred. More recently he has had 18 cycles of gemzar and abraxane. Bit of a kinder chemo, with less side effects and he tolerated it well. 

    Atm, he's doing ok apart from some fatigue and achy muscles. Before all of this he was active and fit, now he's unable to do half of what he used to but really, compared to many others going through this, he's doing quite well. We know his time is limited and that his health will get worse before long, but all we can do is enjoy the time while he's not too bad.

    PC really is devastating, all the close family are very involved and impacted. I hope your husband keeps as well as poss, for as long as poss. Cherish the here and now. You are welcome to msg me if you like, for any info or general chat and updates. Know that you are not alone  xx

  • I’m so sorry to read about your husband’s journey. My dear mum was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer with mets to lungs last May. She had a stent inserted to relieve itching and jaundice. She was discharged from hospital and given 2-3 months to live. She didn’t want palliative chemo but instead wanted to focus on quality of life, and bless her she most certainly has. She was very poorly when she first came home, having sepsis after her stent insertion. We are now 10 months on and mum is still enjoying a good quality of life. She is only on Creon and metoclopramide for sickness.  Her main symptom is fatigue and thankfully she is not in pain. Her scan in January showed progression of the pancreatic cancer and lung mets but mum Is doing amazing. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to still have mum here now and take it day by day. Try and keep strong. Sending best wishes to you both xx

  • That's really positive and heart warming to hear- sadly, many stories are not so, thank you for this xx

  • Hi ... What a lovely read mum has been given 6 months as she has recurrence in the lungs. She's refused chemo for the same reason ..quality of life . It's so hard to believe she'll get ill because she's so well and active. She's actually living her best life. We've even got doubt that it's only 6months . 

    Lots of love to you and mumHeartHeart eyes

  • Hi Hastagggg. I'm so sorry that your mum is going through this awful journey.  My mum is still doing really well.  She has been having a few "off days" just lately, and not been eating and drinking as much, but we are still managing to get out and about and enjoy whatever time we have left.  It's so hard when you've been given a time-frame and I know people will say not to focus on this, but I find it hard not to.  We are now nearly 12 months on from a 2-3 month prognosis and I still can't believe mum is so well.

    Lots of love to you and your mum and I hope she keeps well for a long time. If ever you need a chat, I'm always here. xxx

  • Thank you so much Izzy. I am confident we'll have mum for many more months ... I means she's too active and Well to let us believe otherwise. Thank you so much for your lovely message no doubt I'll be checking you and your mom's progress because it's so positive and gives us hope. Stay strong and here's to lots more sunny happy days Heart