Husband diagnosed with PC

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi im new here, mu hubby first had a stomach pain on 26th November and on 22nd december was diagnosed with Terminal PC.  We also found out last week it has spread to his small intestine, liver and lungs.  My husband has declined treatment as currently he has good days. The chemo would only buy him a max of 3 months as he could only have the treatment with one drug.

Im really struggling to deal with the fact i only have about 2 months left with him.  I lost my dad to cancer 8 years ago and mum to heart disease coming up 6 years. Im 46 and struggling so much, i go from tearful, to angry to hysterical.

Any suggestions on how to.process these emotions would be greatly appreciated x

  • Hi and a warm welcome to the online community

    I'm sorry to read about your husband's prognosis and it's understandable that you're feeling as you do. Macmillan have some useful resources and you might find this article on emotional support for carers useful.

    As you know the online community is divided up into different support groups so I hope you don't mind me suggesting that you also join and post in the supporting someone with incurable cancer group where you can discuss your emotions with others in a similar situation to yourself. If this is something that you'd like to do clicking on the link I've created will take you straight there where you can join and post in the same way as you did here and join in with any existing conversations by clicking on 'reply'.


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  • hello, sorry that you find yourself here, its horrible.

    The time they estimate is very much that- an estimate and they are usually quite conservative in reality. If he has good health otherwise, then he may well have quite a bit longer. Everyone feels differently about the chemo side of things and its true that if currently he seems quite well, it might be wise not to potentially mess with this and the side effects it can bring. All I can say is, use this time wisely. Make memories, sort out financial issues, speak with Macmillan/PCUK/Marie Curie. They can advise and support. All the time he is well, enjoy each day. Go for a trip away, if you can. 

    Nothing will take away your hurt, worry and anger- I fully understand this, but focus on the here and now and just be there for him.

    Research what help is available, talk to his team and apply for some counselling for yourself to guide you through. Lean on family and friends.

    This situation is horrible, we are all here for you and understand. 

    Keep strong, take care xx