mum diagnosed but we don't have any info yet

  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I'm new. I joined because we found out two days ago that my mum has pancreatic cancer. We don't have anymore information yet and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing right now. I'm going out of my mind so goodness knows how my mum must be feeling. I keep crying and have banging headaches from stressing but trying to keep everything normal for my kids. 

So the doctors told her yesterday morning, then she had another scan yesterday and the specialists will apparently be meeting monday to discuss options. She may then have to have a biopsy camera down her throat to take samples to confirm i believe? They've not given her any notion so far of the size or stage of the cancer. She's always had bowel and stomach acid problems her whole life and IBS so i don't know how long she has had this and perhaps passed it off as that. But the bad pain started about 3 weeks ago and she just stopped being able to eat without being in agony. Drs referred her for tests but you know what NHS waiting is like... over the three weeks from it starting she lost 1.5stone. Then on Tuesday she told my dad to take her to a&e where they kept her in since and found this. I then made the mistake of googling and seeing the horrific stats and info about pancreatic cancer and i'm scared stiff.

My biggest worry is - if it is bad news and it's in a late stage, how the heck do I support her? If it were me I can't even imagine taking that news on board and dealing with it. She's not an optimistic person and PMA isn't really her thing i feel like she's going to really struggle and I just don't know what to do or say to her. Some positive stories might really help, and advice on the best things to do and say? I'm so lost! My poor dad too :(

  • Hi and welcome to the Online Community. I've a different type of cancer and just dropped by and noticed you've not had an answer as yet. I'm so sorry to read about your Mum's diagnosis. I don't know how old she is but us older people put up with niggly bowel and acid problems and IBS related problems to our costs. My grandson would probably go off to a GP with a hang-nail. I was going to ignore spotting on my undies, I was some years post menopausal, my bestie nagged me - I'm so glad she did.

    Until all her tests are completed her team won't know what stage she is. The Gastroscopy (Camera down throat) will usually take biopsies which normally take a couple of weeks for the results to come back. 

    We all agree on these forums do not consult Dr Google - you'll frighten yourself silly with outdated statistics. We also say it's like a roller-coaster ride of emotions - any cancer journey. Anxiety will be contributing to your headaches no doubt.

    I hope the members here will be along to chat soon and offer support and advice. I would also like to suggest you join the Family and friends group where you'll be able to discuss your thoughts with others supporting family members on the same journey.

    It’s always helpful to others if you write a little something (or a lot) about yourself and your mum's journey to date. You can enter it into your profile (click on your username and select “Profile”) It’s helpful to other members with a similar diagnosis who can then hopefully answer your questions. It also means that you don't have to keep writing the same thing over and over. You can amend or update it at any time. 

    To find more information covering diagnosis and treatments there are pages covering most types of cancers which can be found on our Online Information and Support Section

    Macmillan Support Services also offer lots of information, support, financial guidance or just someone to listen. It’s free to call 0808 808 0000. Most services are available 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week. Have a look by Clicking here to see what is available and we also have our Ask an Expert section, but do allow two to three working days for replies from our expert team.

    Sending you welcoming hugs B xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hi Kezzabean and welcome.

    My dad has pancreatic cancer and kidney cancer- the pancreatic cancer has returned after two years following the whipple operation and chemo.

    He's back on chemo again and we are waiting- forever as you rightly say!- for the results to see his response.

    I won't lie, its scary and worrying. This isn't something you can just put to the back of your mind and the waiting is particularly hard.

    But, at the moment, for you, we don't know a stage so lets hope its an early stage and they can offer treatment of some sort-  chemo or surgery or a combination. This can possibly be done if its a stage 1 or in some cases a stage 2. It depends on the location and position and if its close or wrapped around other structures. Scans will show this. It depends on your mum's overall health too and fitness. Is she young and healthy otherwise?

    Just know that we are here and supportive and will have some knowledge and experience of what you're going through.

    Once the meeting has taken place, hopefully then they will be in contact to discuss findings and options. Ask questions, make sure you feel as though you all understand the plan and medical terms.

    In the meantime, keep yourself busy and have a chat with the nurses at Pancreatic Cancer UK. They are lovely and a mine of information.

    Let us know when you know more, we can advise and help as much as poss.

    I honestly know how you feel- most days I just 'function' and be there for dad as much as I can.

    Happy to chat whenever, I know a listening ear in a similar situation can be very helpful.

    Take care xx

  • Thank you for your reply. I'm so sorry about your dad :( just when you think you're in the clear! 

    So it seems they had the multi meeting thing on Monday but when they came to talk to her and my dad Tuesday there was nothing to tell them from it except they're moving her to Nottingham hospital... That's it! So now she's waiting for a bed there which could take any amount of time?? I don't understand how they can just leave her like this not knowing any information. Feeling so fed up so god knows what she must be feeling. She's now got jaundice too... This seems to have happened the last few days. She's struggling to eat and is in pain when she does but they are only giving her pain meds... They haven't mentioned this enzyme medication I keep reading about which I feel would help her? Not that I know much... But I think she's still losing weight as she can only manage liquidy soups and bits of fruit. Ugh im just frustrated with the lack of information :( 

  • Hi Kezzabean 

    First of all, I am sorry that you and your parents seem to have been left without too much understanding of what is going on. In my experience, when you get news from the hospital people sometimes it is difficult to take it in so I would suggest that you or your parents ask the consultant when he does his rounds what the plan is for your mum. It sounds a bit basic, I know, but taking a note of what is said is helpful.

    One of the reasons for moving your mum to Nottingham may be that they want to move her to a hospital which has HPB services. That is, Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary. This is a complex area of medicine and, therefore, is usually carried out in a centre of excellence as not all hospitals have the service. I'm in Scotland and my husband had to be treated at a hospital elsewhere as the local hospital did not provide the service.

    The enzyme you mention isn't a medication as such. It helps to turn food into nutrients when the pancreas is not working properly. AS far as I am aware it is not always used immediately on a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. It is often prescribed after surgery.

    All the waiting is very frustrating. I remember it well. However, do ask again what the plans are.
