Post Op and Chemo Pancreatic Cancer

  • 2 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi   Im new to this site and would like to make contact with others out there who have any views opinions experiences etc that I can relate to not just to help me stop worrying should this be happening   why is this happening etc...   but to help others by being able  to understand.  So if there  any worries I can hopefully help with all the better   :)        anyway my name is CatLyn and it would be great to chat with persons out there who have had the op/treatments or just started their journey dealing with everyday life     I have found people are yes very very sympathetic but I cant actually talk nitty gritty because 1)dont want to upset/bore them 2)they think because I (best day ever) was given the all clear Im cured!!! Dont realise that also is the start of another journey - coming to terms with a different me!    Can no longer eat, drink,walk, run etc etc like I used to :(        anyway be good to hear others experiences   


  • Hi . I just dropped by and noticed you've not had a reply to your post just yet. I've a different type of cancer but I agree it's very difficult to find someone to talk the nitty gritty stuff to. Unless you've actually travelled this "roller-coaster" ride you don't really comprehend where we're coming from. The "C" word either drives people away or causes them to smother you. My hubby of over 40 years says I'm being a drama queen if he hears me replying to a friend on a phone call who's obviously asking how I am. Yes I'm cured but I still have little niggles of disquiet and for that I'm a drama queen!

    Hopefully someone in this group will be along soon to chat but, in the meantime, it might be an idea to take a look at the Life after cancer forum you might find some answers there.

    Sending all the best, B xx

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    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • Hello MrsBJH

    Hope your day is going well and Thank you for your response/reply  much appreciated :)      I too found people either shy away completely or go totally overboard when the big C is mentioned.   I have also found that people dwindle.   What was once of great interest the day I  got told your treatments have worked ALL CLEAR  (which I was overjoyed about!!!!) they couldnt understand why I am not bursting with energy/running around like nothing has happened and not just getting back to everything as it was before or feign interest  by asking how are you? You start to answer but get cut off with "oh by the way bla blah blah"  so I dont answer now just say "samey samey"  "plodding on"  which is basically what they want to hear cos they just want to carry on with their humdrum normality   done their bit asking lol.      

    I dont think your a Drama Queen - I too have niggles   its always there. Ok I'm  cured but its still in your mind lurking and jumps out  BOO!   I am definitely not the same physically and I have found over time its not improving.  Mentally I get terribly anxious/uptight  and what used to not bother me do   stupid things to others  but to me very very important.

    Gone on for far tooooo long :)    he he he 

    Be good to hear your woes etc....

