Folfurinox Acne

  • 4 replies
  • 28 subscribers

My last four courses I have developed dreadful, sore, red acne all over my face, worse each course. It appears one week after pump disconnect, and goes when I start my next chemo. Anyone else getting this side effect ? If so, what do you treat it with. I’m 67 so TIA

  • Hi 

    I don't have the experience you're looking for but I noticed that you hadn't had any replies to your post yet. By replying to you it will 'bump' your post back to the top of the discussion list.

    While you're waiting to see if you get any replies you could type 'acne' or 'folfurinox' into the group search bar to see if there have been any previous posts which mention this.

    Have you spoken to your CNS about this side effect as they should be able to help if it's a known problem? Alternatively you could post also post this question in the ask a nurse section of the online community and one of the specialist nurses will aim to respond within 3 working days.

    I hope you're able to get on top of this soon as it must be very unpleasant for you.


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     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I applied dermal md anti-acne serum on my freshly washed face. It went on very well. My skin absorbed it with no problem. Afterward, my skin looked very hydrated, moisturized, and radiant. I really liked how nourished and healthy my skin looked. It really helps me to get rid of my acne! I can imagine the long-term effects of this product.Two heartsTwo hearts

  • Thank you! I’ll give that a go

  • I get this with a certain drug I’m on - you can use Epimax (you can shower with it too, and can get it prescribed) daily and also a little less thick Aveeno which you can buy at any supermarket.  This really helped me especially with the red rash.  Any spots though you may need a 1% steroid cream so worth speaking with your Macmillan nurse.  Hope this helps! Xx