Hi, very, very new to all of this.

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I have just been told by my GP that I probably have pancreatic cancer, not sure what stage I presume thats what the tests are for. I am being fast tracked into hospital for tests, is this normal? My symptoms are jaundice, dark urine, loose and light, stools and I itch like crazy. Sorry ive started to waffle but its the not knowing isn't  it. I had a bad pain about 6 months ago in my kidney area that made me sit up in bed but it went after 15 or so minutes. Was this part of it,? Should i have gone to the docs then? Too many questions....sorry any help or just a chat will do me until the hospital appointments. 

  • Hi Marts

    The symptoms you describe are identical to what I experienced last year. The tests will determine the best course of treatment and I found the fast tracking worked very well. My general advice is not to look back and think should I have done this and that but look forward with a degree of optimism that the specialists will do the right thing for you as an individual. It may be difficult at this stage to think positively but I would encourage anyone diagnosed with cancer to set goals I e something to look forward to , it certainly helped me

    Get in touch at any time and hope the tests go well


  • Hi Kvin,

    That is such a help. I'm sure everyones the same, when a GP says the word cancer to you , youre mind races away with allsorts. Me and the wife are just at the headless  chicken stage so it is nice to hear from someone in the same boat . It just calms you down a bit so you can take stock if it all. Hopefully the tests will be soon. How long before the results, do you know? If its not too painfull of a question can i ask what stage youre at? I get the impression, with the word fast track being used that im more of a 3 to 4 but again not sure. 

    Thanks for getting back to me. It really does help to msg/chat with people with a bit of experience.

  • Hello Marts

    I am sure you are right about the word cancer but do bear in mind everyone is different so the treatment will be tailored to suit you. One word of warning do not pay too much attention to the internet for advice about pc. It is always a natural reaction to go online but I found it depressing especially as we can get all the information first hand from the medical teams

    From knowing something wasn't quite right to a definitive diagnosis was about 3 months. I had 2 endoscopies , a chest x ray and 3 scans and while it may seem a long time it is important they get the diagnosis right. the jaundice and itching ,especially the soles of my feet were cured by a whipples procedure when part of my pancreas was removed. I then had 6 months of chemo. The whole process was not half as bad as I imagined thanks to all the excellent care I received. the latest scan in march showed no traces of cancer but that will be reviewed annually.

    there may well be uncomfortable times ahead and I had some less than pleasant moments but do rely on your specialists and don't be afraid of discussing cancer with family and friends. it really does help to get things out in the open as I can remember in my younger days that cancer effectively was a taboo subject. thank goodness times and treatments have changed and improved

    Remember you are not alone on this forum and anything you want to talk about feel free to get in touch

    Kevin [ misspelt my own name in my previous reply Doh]

  • Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for all the info it really is very helpful and putting my mind at rest.

    Ive just received my first appointment but its a week away and just a phone call one (covid, i presume). 

    Did you lose a lot of weight. . Ive lost about 10lb in 6 days?


  • Hi Martin

    Sorry to be so long getting back. I did lose a lot of weight partly due to pc but also because i stopped drinking beer. In Jan 2019 my taste buds changed so that beer tasted awful. As a result i haven't had any since and that is arguably one of the best things to come out of this. As time went on my appetite for most foods disappeared [ now back to normal] but as you know it is important to keep eating especially as we all need strength physically and mentally to deal with pc. If your taste for your favourite foods goes keep experimenting to find something to keep you going. in my case it was mild curry plus old fashioned puddings/cream cakes.

    Before your phone appointment make a note of any questions. At this time there is a lot going through your mind and you don't want to forget anything

    Let me know how you get on


  • FormerMember

    Hi Marts,

    My best friend in the world was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in July last year, 2019 (Between stages 1 & 2). Her symptoms were very similar to yours... jaundice, floaty smelly stools and itchy skin that drove her mental!!

    She had Whipple surgery in September & symptoms went away. That was followed by 6 months chemo (Folfirinox) 1 day every 2 weeks. (plus having Covid-19 half way through!). The chemo wasn't as bad as expected, the side effects were managed well by the cancer unit team. She's now just started 5 weeks daily radiotherapy.

    It's all looking good. There was some weight loss & hair thinning during chemo but that is now recovering.

    I must say when I first heard a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer I felt sick, but her treatment has been fantastic.

    I wish you well.


  • Hi Kevin,

    Not really sure what i'm thinking now. I had my telephone appointment with a Dr from the gastroenterology dept. He basically asked a few questions and was a bit upset ,to say the least, that my gp had even mentioned the word cancer without sending me for a scan. I thought my gp had looked at my blood test results, my symtoms and seen something that told them i definately had it. So im now sat here, itching my feet, feeling a bit of a fraud. The doctor said you can't tell anything until after a scan and it could be one of a few things , gallstones for instance. I'm not sure what to think now , obviously I'm really hoping for one of the lesser ones. Fancy going to bed at night and praying youve got a liver infection or some sort of blockage. Anyhow I'm expecting the appointment letter tommorow as again the words fast track have been mentioned and ill let you know how it goes. 

    Thanks for the reassuring words.


  • Hi Martin

    Great to hear from you.

    The not knowing can be a difficult thing to deal with but the tone of your message gives me the impression that you are feeling reasonably positive

    The conflict of opinion between your gp and the gastro doctor I can understand to an extent but personally I always wanted the professionals to be completely honest and open with their thoughts of the reasons for the symptoms and if there was a possibility of cancer i wanted to know about it at the outset

    My wonderful gp once told me that if anything was out of the ordinary I should consult her without hesitation [ I once apologised for troubling her ]. Therefore you are not a fraud and in my inexpert ' medical ' opinion you did the right thing by seeking doctors advice. Whatever the diagnosis turns out to be put your faith in the magnificent N H S

    Talk to you soon


  • Hi kevin,

    Since my last update everything has moved quite quickly. I had my CT scan and they found a tumour on the head of my pancreas. So that infi has gone away for some drs etc to study and decide what route to go down. Ive also been in hospital and had a stent fitted in my bile duct to clear the jaundice and itching. The itching only improves when im cold so any tips on itch relief please. When they put the stent in they took some shavings off the tumour so im thinking they go to the team to help with ghe decision on how to move forward. So now im waiting for a phone call again.

    Thanks for listening.


  • Hi Martin

    Good to hear things are happening but I guess the waiting is quite difficult. Luckily when I had a stent fitted the jaundice disappeared but the itching carried on for a little while and regrettably I have no remedies that can help. As in all things medical patience is often the order of the day. If my memory serves the surgical/oncology teams have weekly meetings to discuss which is the best way forward for all patients waiting treatment , lets hope you aren't waiting too long for a decision

    Just as importantly how are you felling in yourself? As always great to hear from you

