Am I Doing The Right Thing Persisting On Test ?

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  • 24 subscribers

Hello. Was just hoping I could get some feedback on my symptoms and ask if I’m doing the right thing pushing medically or if there’s something specific I should be pushing for. I’m sorry if this is wrong venue for this question I truly mean no disrespect. 

32 M. Been having GI symptoms now for about a year. The only tick factors I can think of for pancreas issues is my grandpa had pancreatitis , I took prescribed rantanidine for seven years (the big recall was scary), and I had a high lipase 2x normal limit once. Here’s my symptoms:

02/2019: saw GP for nonstop stomach noises  seemed to be exacerbated after eating  CBC was normal and FIT was normal  went away after about 30 days .  Some vague discomfort left upper abdominal 

08/2019: vague upper left abdominal pain after eating  

09/2019: still vague upper left discomfort but also blood on tissue  had a inguinal area sharp groin pain - very pinpointed — for a couple days  slight groin discomfort followed for a few weeks.  resolved  

10/2019:  ER for persistent abdominal discomfort.  Bloodwork done  normal except lipase was 2x normal limit  CT scan with contrast done of abdominal  — all normal (mild bladder wall thickening noted )  no hernia shown on groin  

12/2019 : blood appeared in stool  colonoscopy and EGD done— normal except random biopsy showed mild stomach inflammation attributed to gastritis   Lipase retested normal  loss of appetite for a week

02/2020: bloodwork normal including lipase ...  urine tests was normal as well  

All of 2020: still having these intestinal noises NONSTOP mostly in lower quadrant,  it’s a bubbling feeling, gurgling, popping, swishing  everyday.  Not a day in 2020 without them.  Seems to be accompanied by a bit of gas too.  There’s  some pressure time To time on left of belly button  (right next to belly button). A lot of the time eating seems to aggravate the noises but they are around even before meals. The tissue paper has been yellow on wipe , though the stool itself doesn’t look yellow. (Stool tests for inflammatory markers this year have been normal ). Sometimes the stools float (assumes it was vegetable intake from day before ). One time episodes of diarrhea every week or two. Yellowish color.  I eat but appetite is blah. (2020 I gained 25 pounds. Have started losing 10 of it last couple months tho through excercise )

Am I doing the right thing here hounding doctors ?  The lipase test in December is why I’m concerned the most with these symptoms  they just don’t stop.  Is there a test I should be pushing for ?  Or ? Thank you for listening.  <3

(on a side note ; I started medication today for anxiety because I know that it doesn’t help matters )

  • Hi Yalon

    I am sorry you are concerned about things and understand your anxiety.

    I don't have any medical knowledge and symptoms for GI problems seem to vary. If your are concerned you should continue to discuss this with your doctor. I hope you can get things sorted out.
