My mum

  • 1 reply
  • 24 subscribers

Hi. My mum has just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She is on kidney dialysis and has been told she can't get chemo because of this. A long shot, but is there anyone here with any knowledge or experience of this. She is hopefully getting an appointment next week where she can get more information. I'm just trying to collect as much info as I can just now. Thank you. 

  • Hello Bears love Honey

    I am sorry to hear of your mum's diagnosis. I haven't heard chemo and dialysis discussed here but there may be someone with experience or knowledge.

    As you wait for the appointment it might be worth giving the nurses on the Pancreatic Cancer UK call team a ring. They will be back in on Monday.

    I hope your Mum gets a quick appointment and the explanations are helpful.
