Shell shocked

  • 1 reply
  • 23 subscribers

Hi all

I'm new to community and want to say thank you in advance to you all for any advice, reassurance, help you can give.

My darling 44 year old husband has just been diagnosed ( Wednesday morning ) that he has pancreatic cancer which has spread to liver.

Apparently it’s fortunate that the liver cancer has been found reasonably early.

Cancer is not curable but he has liver biopsy on 18th and then chemo and consultant advised cancer was manageable whatever thar means.

He now has Tramadol which has relieved his pain dramatically but leaves him drowsy but he’s ok with that.

It’s  unbearable seeing my former 19 stone , larger than life man reduced to a thin, frail shadow of himself.

is anyone able to advise what is the best way I can care for him, what to expect from chemo or anything else that may be of benefit.

I am so frightened and any advice would be welcome.

Thank you x

  • FormerMember

    Hi I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis and can understand how frightening it is at first - I was in the same state 2 months ago.  My husband is 55 and has an inoperable pancreatic tumour and is having chemo at the moment. I had absolutely no experience of any of this, didnt know if he was going to drop dead any minute, but in the end I found the nurses at the Pancreatic Cancer UK charity helpline - you can ask them anything you like.  Once we got over the shock and accepted that what will be will be, we were calmer mentally. We struggled to get pain under control at first but now he has a perfect slow-release morphine dose, and the chemo side effects are not too bad so he's not in pain and doing a lot of DIY. I would not have expected 2 months ago that we would have gone to chemo this morning, then had a lovely pub lunch with a friend!  In terms of caring for him: I am trying  to resist being a martyr as that is not what he wants. So I'm still living my life while he is happy to live day by day, I do not stress him about the little things any more, and we are treasuring every moment. Thanks to this forum and to a friends & family support group, I am less frightened about the future.  I'm sure others on this forum will give you good advice too.