My Mum & PC & Today

  • 2 replies
  • 24 subscribers
Hi Everyone,
I am sat here joining tonight having never joined a forum in my life for anything !
I have just spent the day with my mum as it seems after nearly a year of steadily declining she is at the end of the road with her fight against PC.
She is 76 and has lived with severe COPD for over 12 years and in the last 2 with PC.
Tonight she has a Macmillan nurse with her at home but we hope that tomorrow we can get her to the hospice.
I am the youngest of us siblings and even though at 47 I cannot accept that we have reached this stage and have to prepare for goodbye.
My father passed away 18 years ago this week at just 69 from Leukaemia & it seems like yesterday.
I am on my own with my 14 year old daughter - my ex (her father) passed away just a year ago so you could say January is a pretty bad month for us.
As with each of you I’m sure there is far more to my story than what we write but I just wanted to say Hi and thank you for all your posts which I have spent the evening reading and finding so many things in common with my mothers symptoms over the last 12 months since she had a stent fitted as her cancer seems to be in the duct rather than the pancreas itself until now.
I wish you all strength as we stumble along waiting for the next stage in our heartbreaking journeys x
  • FormerMember

    Hi S Lou..... sorry to read about what you are going through . I empathise with you as I too am watching my husband's steady decline with PC. He was a fit man , only 59 years old, 3 months ago now he is losing weight,  unable to eat very much. We have just been told it's now stage 4 so we are having  to face the reality of what will inevitably happen. Similarly I am also 47 like you and I have a 15 year old daughter who will lose her father.  Just cannot believe all this is actually happening. 

    All I can say is I am thinking of you and your family at this difficult time and sending you my love. 

    Carli x

  • Hi S Lou

    Thank you for posting. I am sorry to hear of your mum. Until PC came into my life I had never joined a forum too! As you see there are a number of people here who share your experience and we can try to support one another.
