How to mitigate side effects of chemo (Gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel)

  • 1 reply
  • 24 subscribers

my husband is going to enter the SCALOP-2 trial next week, which involves trying gemciatbine/nab-paclitaxel to slow growth of locally advanced inoperable tumours. I'd be curious to hear any advice regarding how to prepare or mitigate side effects? I know there is a lot of anecdotal evidence about fasting, but also little scientific evidence to support (and some risks!). He has regained some weight since having the stent inserted; but equally, as this will be weekly chemo doses (3 weeks on, 1 off), I expect that fasting would be too risky?

  • Hi Larkrise

    As you know I don’t have a medical background but my husband was on two separate chemo regimes. Firstly, gemcitabine and later Folfirinox. From reading here and on other forums it seems that side effects differ with different people and it is difficult to predict what will happen. The chemo team will give advice and medications to help with side effects.

    i have never seen any advice that fasting helps with side effects of chemo though I accept it’s probably there. As you know pancreatic cancer causes weight loss. Chemo may also lead your husband to lose his appetite. During chemo it’s important to keep as physically strong as possible. It’s just my view, but I wouldn’t add fasting to the agenda when there is no scientific evidence that it helps.

    I hope the trial goes well.
