Mum struggling with diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi everyone, thank you for letting me share my thoughts. My mum was diagnosed on Friday with stage 4 pancreatic cancer which has spread to her lungs. She is so fatigued and spends all day in bed. She hasn't eaten in over 3 weeks and only sips Lucozade. The hospital gave her milk -shake like nutrition drinks to try but she cant face them. We are so worried that she cant eat, she says the thought of it makes her feel even more nauseous and sick. She is going to The Beatson Centre on Friday to have a chat about what happens next. What is the outlook? She says she doesn't want chemotherapy or to go into a hospital or hospice but I feel she is fading away before my dad and I. She seems to have given up. Any advice would be most appreciated, thank you 

  • Hello Lreid

    i am sorry to hear of your Mum’s diagnosis.

    I am not medically qualified but my experience from being on here is that pancreatic cancer gives people different experiences. However, it is often the case that people with PC don’t want to eat. I really stressed about this with my husband and others have written the same. I realise now that it probably doesn’t matter. Try to encourage your Mum to eat but if she doesn’t want to just make sure she gets water.

    You say you think your Mum has given up. Again what I learned from my experience was that the most important person is the patient. I don’t think people give up but society talks about ‘fighting cancer’ and we may feel we have to take all the interventions going. Your Mum may have thought about this and decided not to have chemo if offered. It can be a hard regime.

    it is difficult but try to take one day at a time and support your Mum in her wishes.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Hi Squeaky,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Yes it's very difficult, and we're trying to support mum. She said she doesn't want chemo so we will respect this but it's hard. She has agreed to go to the Beatson centre on Friday so that's hopeful as she originally said no.

    Best wishes and thank you again,


  • Hello Iread,

    I feel sad to read that you are finding it difficult to understand your mums choices at this time. A close family member who has been diagnosed with PC also found it extremely difficult to eat at times. It’s totally understandable that you and your family want what you think is best for her......but I guess she knows best and wants to feel as comfortable as she can when feeling unwell. I am sure that she finds great comfort knowing that you are all supporting her.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Israel

    Hi Israel, 

    Thank you for finding the time to reply. 

    I know we must let my mum decide for herself what is best for her, and just be there for her no matter what she decides, however hard it might be.

    Thank you for your kind words,
