one year update

  • 5 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Amazingly it is just over a year since I first saw my GP about not feeling well which led to a whole series of tests culminating in a PC diagnosis. I had a Whipples in April followed by the commencement of a 12 cycle course of folfirinox chemo. that finished a few weeks ago and I was reviewed by the consultant last week.

First the good news. I am feeling pretty well and the chemo didn't cause too many problems although towards the end I got 2 infections which meant 2 separate stays of 3 days in hospital being dosed with antibiotics which sorted things out. a significant milestone has been reached in as much that a crusty roll with strong cheese tastes as it should rather than like a piece of buttered cardboard. Not exactly scientific I know but it works for me. also my appetite has improved and I am beginning to put on some of the lost weight.

Secondly even better news. The consultant doesn't want to see me for a year and now the hospital routine is over we can start making some plans. I am not naïve enough to think I am cured but at least the pc can be a less dominant part of our lives.

I have received wonderful treatment but the lions share of the credit must go to my partner who made sure that I maintained a decent food intake even when everything tasted horrible and put up with my grumpier moments I dread to think what life would have been without her

A Happy Christmas to all and lets hope for good outcomes in 2020

  • Hi Kevin

    That's great news especially that the consultant doesn't want to see you for a year. Also good that some food actually tastes like food! Thanks for keeping us updated.


  • FormerMember

    That's amazing news ..I'm happy for you  and so lovely to read some positive stories. Can I ask What stage was your PC when you were diagnosed.  

  • Hi Carli

    Thanks for the reply.

    I never asked what stage I was at with the pc although some of the letters from the medical team contained what can only be described as hieroglyphics

    However a simpler explanation came from the surgical team after the whipples when they described my prognosis as poor as there were 12 lymph nodes that were still infected.

    I have mentioned in previous posts that I am not a worrier and what's happened has happened. what the future holds remains to be seen but the 'vote of confidence' from the consultant  is a good starting point to get a normal life back

    Best Wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to kevatvinegarhill

    Hi Kevin thank you for your reply. My husband has the same mind set that what has happened has happened and we have to try and put up a good fight and see what happens.  I'm beginning to come round to this way of thinking. It's frustrating as he's in hospital as they cannot put in a stent to reduce jaundice.  Currently the PC is inoperable so chemo is his only hope of reducing and then possibly  surgery. I read your reply to my husband and it gave him some hope.   All the best to you and your family.  Wishing you lovely Xmas 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    hi Kevin 

    im glad your chemo is finished and your appetite and more importantly your taste has come back    and fantastic that your consultant doesn't want to see you again for a year   good luck xx