Does anyone with pancreatic and liver mets cancer get weird chest sensations.

  • 6 replies
  • 25 subscribers

hello group. I need to ask this question to everybody. Does anyone with pancreatic and liver mets cancer get startled awake with a weird sensation in their chest? I hate it and I can’t even really property describe it but it feels awful when it happens and makes me feel ill.  

  • Hello JackD

    My husband had pancreatic cancer but didn’t mention this sort of thing. Are you having any treatment or medication as this might have an effect.

    Hopefully, someone else might be able to help.

    Also maybe worth phoning the nurses at Pancreatic Cancer UK.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Thanks Squeaky for getting in touch. No I’m not on any meds. I’ve been having these dos since I had a complete hysterectomy nearly 17 years ago. At first I thought they were hot flushes. But surely you don’t get hot flushes in all that time. Menopause doesn’t last that long.

  • Hi there, my partner also has metastatic pancreatic cancer. He doesn't feel able to take deep breaths, but no other sensations in that respect. Hope you don't mind me asking, but these aren't a type of panic attack are they? Han

    Ving had panic attacks wake me I know how awful they are x

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    I’m asleep when they happen. They are like a sudden boom smack in my chest. I wake up, no panic attacks and I do suffer panic attacks. But that sensation doesn’t affect my breathing, my panic attacks do. I started having them after the hysterectomy operation. I’ve had to live with them all these years. I have had the heart monitor tests, everything but they happen. They are a bit like when we suddenly have the falling, dropping through the bed sensation that wakes us, but it just happens in my chest. Otherwise apart from the cancer, as healthy as an ox.

  • Hi Jack D

    From what you say they seem to be hormonal linked. I have heard of people having hot flushes for many years. Glad you are keeping well otherwise.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Thanks. When you think about it. It started after the hysterectomy operation. I couldn’t take HRT, so the op must have bought on the flushes. I hate them. But 16 years of them. I bet there are plenty of women that have just gone through the same operation and are on this site.