Checking in and Venting

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  • 25 subscribers

Hi Everyone, 

Sending loads of positive energy to everyone effected by this. My dad is struggling and it is a mixture of infuriating and heartbreaking to watch. 

We are on round 3 of chemo, He is stage 4, inoperable Cry

Some days we can feel positive and he has more energy. A lot of the time I feel this has mentally taken hold. He stays in bed, doesn’t want to face life and it’s hard to see but also I just want to pick him and make him fight just that little bit harder.

He just can’t eat!!!  How long can this be sustained is my greatest fear. The tumour is there and the pain relief is helping him but he struggles so much to eat anything at all

We had 2 weeks in hospital recently and I feel the fear of going back is worse than dealing with some of the issues for him. 

This type of cancer feels so morbid compared to others and I know we all have to be stronger and not surrender to it and keep fighting and finding hope in everyday. 

Knowing people can relate in some way offers it own kind of support so thank you for being in this online community and to anyone reading my rant. 

  • Hi 87JS

    I think this is the first time you have posted in the pancreatic cancer group. I’m sorry to hear of your dad’s diagnosis.

    For quite a while I have been around this forum and my husband died nearly four years ago from pancreatic cancer. I suppose one of the things that I have learned during that time is that the most important person is the patient. Naturally, we want to encourage them  and it is heartbreaking to see. Often people talk about fighting cancer but I find that difficult to understand - and I have had cancer myself.

    With my husband I stressed a lot because he found eating difficult. I think with this cancer the appetite just goes. So, just try to encourage him to eat when he can.

    If he wants to stay in bed it might be because the chemo is debilitating. You don’t say which one he is on but some have a lot of side effects.

    We found the best way was to take one day at a time.

    Thanks for posting.
