Thanks and good bye

  • 1 reply
  • 24 subscribers

Well lovely people this forum has been a huge part of my life for several years. My fabulous mum died 17 months ago and I miss her immensely. I can’t tell you how much this site and the fabulous people here have helped me. It’s very strange but when my mum passed I needed to stay here and hopefully help others however the last couple of months I’ve just been checking in to see how people are getting on but my heart is no longer in it. I guess I’ll have reached my natural time to leave. 
I see that my lovely friend squeaky is still giving her sound advice, she is such a wonderful support on here and will be the person I miss the most. I’m sure I will check in from time to time time and I wish you all well well. I do wish we didn’t need to be here fighting this awful fight. Good bye and good luck my lovelies xx

  • Hi Kate

    Things move on don’t they. I know that you have been quiet on here recently. We will all miss you hugely because you are always cheerful and your were just a fabulous support to your Mum changing your work to be near her. I hope your Dad is Living the best life he can.

    So, thanks for the kind words. You have been a huge influence to many people here, myself included. Good bye. I wish you the best of all possible worlds for the future.
