NHS failure to diagnose

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  • 24 subscribers


I am a 55 year old female living in Scotland. 18 months ago i had several symptoms including, sharp back Pain at bra level, soft yellow stools with oil on toilet water, pain within both rib cages and i managed to convince my gp to refer me privately for a ct scan. That scan did not show any issues with the pancreas. I was still getting pains several months on from that but of course these were dismissed because of the clear ct scan.

In mid April 2019 i got very sharp pain in my left flank and lower back which has continued to this day. Disrupted digestion resulted in daily bouts of diarrhoea from early on in this timeline to date. In May 2019 i was diagnosed with diabetes out of the blue. Now my head made connections between the pain and the diabetes so from that point on i was v concerned that the pancreas was in trouble. Blood tests done and liver function test showed slightly elevated levels but within range for someone with a fatty liver. In june gp referred me for a kidney ultrasound. At that appointment i asked the technician to look at the pancreas and she looked at the head of the pancreas which was clear. Because of the clear ultrasound gp would not refer me for further tests.

About three weeks ago, after 13 gp appointments between April and October, i went back to gp suregery and saw a gp i hadnt seen before. Having told her that i was experiencing diarrhoea 5 times a day and that i wanted to go back to the gastroenterologist i had seen in July (privately). The gp got agreement for that and i saw the gastroenterologist privately who didnt believe there was anything sinister going on but who said that if i really wanted to pursue it the only place that hadnt been investigated was the small intestince. This would need a mri scan. I had mri scan two weeks ago and guess what? It shows an abnormality in the pancreas in the body and i am awaiting a ct scan on 11 nov to find out what is going on and where else it has gone to in the body.

My gp is totally shocked at the mri report and cannot believe it given that she told me on several occasions that i definitely did not have pancreatic cancer. She relied totally upon what the medical evidence was telling her despite having had her patient in fromt of her 13 times in 6 months. She also stated that i was right to pursue the issue of a mri scan because otherwise i would still be sitting in her office with her telling me there was nothing wrong!

I have been taking low level cocodamol for the pain but now have a prescription for the higher level of cocodamol. The waiting for the ct scan is difficult and i have a lot of difficulty trying to remain positive. I fear that despite being proactive in pursuing the mri it will be to no effect yet it cost  a huge amount of money.

Given the amount of time that has passed since i first felt pain i am now expecting the worst in terms of metastasis while trying to balance that with the fact that i dont yet have a diagnosis. I lost my dad 6 months ago and my mother 18 monthgs ago.

  • Hi there, you are truly going through a hugely stressful time. I wonder if a phone call to mac millman may help. I have heard on several occasions how hard pancreatic disease is to diagnose and I hope you get some answers on the 11th.Do you have any support at all because you have lost  your parents so recently , now you have  this uncertainty to contend with. Would it be worth asking for some recommendations do you think.? Please let us know how you get on and let us support you on this forum. Hugs, Pam xxx

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    Hello Needing friends

    Thanks for your reply. I didnt think that I would have much to talk about with Macmillan until i had a definitive diagnosis but i will definitely do that once the time comes. I called the consultants secretary to ask about how i receive the scan results and she has promised that i will get a copy of hte letter that goes to the gp. I dont know if that will be before the case is seen by the multidisciplinary team which happens every Tuesday?

    I have the support of my sister but she lives in Aberdeen and i am near Edinburgh. She has a lot of medical practitioners surrounding her at work and her conversations with them have so far tried to tell her that there could be several other possible diagnoses. I however have to believe the consultant who said that the radiographer strongly suspected cancer. My sister belives that surgery will be a possibility but having read a lot on this forum i know that very few cases of pancreatic cancer are suitable for surgery.

    Waiting for the ct scan is horrid and however long after that for the report. I will let you know how i get on and thank you for the support


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ruth 

    Sorry to read that your diagnosis took so long and I am afraid that I can't throw any solution to as why it happened.

    I see that you are near Edinburgh and at the Western General there is a Maggies Centre where you could go and attend some of their support meetings.

    I am tagging  conversation as he has alot of experience of Pancreatic cancer and he may be able give you some idea as why all this has happened to you.

    Please feel free to come onto the online community and have a chat anytime you need to.


    would you mind trying to help this lady - Thanks Ian

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Ian

    Many thanks for the info on the Maggies centre and for tagging the Uroboros conversation. I have visited there once before and they were very kind to me so i will definitely go there for help.

  • Hello Ruth

    I am sorry that you find yourself in this situation and I hope you get news soon.

    I have been around these forums for about four years and I agree with Needingfriends that Pancreatic Cancer seems hard to diagnose in many instances. Ive no medical background but this seems to be lack of symptoms early in the disease and sometimes not getting a good scan of the pancreas. But as I understand it you haven’t had a diagnosis yet.

    i am in Scotland too, over in Fife. I don’t know if it’s the same in other parts of the UK but in Scotland there are five centres of excellence for pancreatic cancer.  For Edinburgh and us in Fife the Centre is in Edinburgh Infirmary whilst most other cancers are dealt with at the Western. I won’t name any surgeons or oncologists at the Infirmary as it’s against the rules but they are top notch and superb people.

    For support you might like to phone the nurses on the Pancreatic Cancer UK helpline . They have great knowledge on Pancreatic Cancer.

    But I hope that you might not get this diagnosis.

    people here are always happy to chat.


  • Ian

    Thanks for your helpful comments. I have never seen Uroborus on this forum. Are you sure it’s Pancreatic Cancer he has experience of.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    hi Squeaky

    I live about 7 miles from Edinburgh and i am lucky in that my ct scan on Monday is going to be at the Royal Infirmary so from what you say i will be in one of the centres of excellence. I did call the Pancreatic cancer uk helpline about 18 months ago when i had symptoms and they were very informative. I will definitely add their details to my contacts sheet.

    Of course will let you know what happens with the ct scan.

    Many thanks


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Hi Squeaky

    Went for ct scan with contrast this morning. The scan was ok but again the dye made me feel sick. They managed to get the all of the scans they needed. Have gone straight back to work this afternoon but have been finding it a bit hard going emotionally so i have moved offices to join some of my colleagues at a different part of the university. Thought i would be ok but it kind of snuck up on me.

    Asked a couple of staff at the hospital which multidisciplinary team the report would go to but nobody seemed to know the answer to that.


  • Hi Ruth

    This will have been a bit of a difficult day for you.

    i can only go by my husband’s experience and his scans were referred to the hepatobiliary MDT. This is the team that looks after liver, pancreas and that area. Something should happen quite quickly. I hope you have a good outcome from this. We found frustrations as well with the system. Initially they tried to fit a stent over here in Fife but it didn’t work and he was taken in to the RIE within three days for surgery. My husband was very jaundiced but you haven’t mentioned any problems with that.

    As I say I hope you get a good outcome.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Hi squeaky

    Started vomiting green bile last night so spent a couple of hours at hospital getting anti sickness injection and prescription for tramadol.  Going to go today to discuss what to do until ct results back.

    Very scared at the moment 
