Modified Folfirinox

  • 2 replies
  • 23 subscribers

I had a Whipple 9 weeks ago, and I’m making a good recovery. Next week I begin 12 rounds of modified Folfirinox. I’m pretty scared about the side effects, and was wondering how others have found it. It would be good to have some reassurance, although I understand that different people react in different ways.

  • Hello NanJan

    I had Whipples on April 3rd from which I made a very good recovery. I commenced a 12 cycle Folfirnox on 31st May and reached the halfway point today coincidentally.

    My consultant is pleased as to the way I have reacted to the chemo as the only side effects I have experienced occurred after cycle 5 when for a few days I was really fatigued and also my hair is thinning but I suspect that would have happened anyway[ I am 69].

    the most difficult thing is still trying to find an enjoyable diet as a lot of my ex favourite things taste like cardboard but by trial and error I am getting there

    I do not know what modified folfirinox is as my consultant has never referred to it by that name. in oxford  I am the guinea pig for this treatment and whilst the next 6 weeks may be more difficult so far so good. by the way once my first cycle was over and done with I felt a lot more confident about future treatments 

    it is rather late but I hope the above is useful. if you want to 'talk' further please get in touch

    Good Luck with the chemo

    Best Wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to kevatvinegarhill

    Kevin, thank you. This has made me feel more positive about what is to come. It’s heartening to learn that things can go better than expected.

    My consultant tells me that the so-called mFolfirinox (modified) has come about due to research carried out in France last year. Apparently the 5FU component has been adjusted so that it’s more tolerable without compromising too much on efficacy. Maybe that’s what you’re having? 

    Thanks once again for sharing your experiences. I’ll let you know how things go for me next week.

    Best wishes
