All happened so fast

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi all, 

So my mum has unfortunately deteriorated a lot over the last couple of weeks. She had fluid drained from her stomach three days before her chemo was due to start. Unfortunately she got an infection in her white blood cells during the draining, this ruled out the chemotherapy for her. She was in hospital for Around 3 weeks being monitored and infection being treated. She also has developed clots in her lungs so becoming breathless easily, she is now on oxygen. She was recently moved to a nursing home. In fact the nursing home I work in (it was the best choice out of the two offers she had) I don’t work on the nursing unit I work beneath on the dementia floor. She is a lot more comfortable here, she is not eating a lot though but is drinking complan shakes.. I worry about her all the time. But it’s a sense of relief that she is in my workplace as I know the staff and what the home is like plus it is ten minutes away from my house (by car)

My mother was only diagnosed 8 weeks ago, and I am in total shock in how fast this has developed and how much she has deteriorated. She is only 59 years old :( 

i am so glad I can see her a lot more now and she is in the best place she is in great hands. But It is very hard seeing her unwell and I don’t look forward to leaving work now because I hate leaving her there. I really pray one day they’re able to diagnose this cancer earlier. I have family members and friends of hers asking questions of time frame etc and I just cannot answer their questions because I do not want to know myself. I just want to support her and be strong for her. My heart goes out to everyone who is going through the same thing.. whatever type of cancer it is ! I really didn’t understand how aggressive this type of cancer could be though. My mother is so strong mentally which is an inspiration. 

I will definitely be fundraising for pancreatic cancer awareness in the future to try and help make a difference

love to all x 

  • Hello Kezzi

    i am sorry to hear of this quick deterioration in your Mother’s health. PC can be very aggressive sometimes and it is so difficult to watch a loved one become so ill. But it’s also good that she is being looked after so well and you are close by.

    We are thinking of both of you.


  • Thank you for sharing your story, we will try to be a support to you. I hope we can help. Thinking of you and your lovely mum xx

    Love is eternal
  • Dear Kezzi,

    I just want to send you and your Mum big hugs, strength and hope at this tough time.  



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to jem57

    Thank you everyone for your kind words and support I’m trying to remain positive that my mother will put up a fight for quite some time yet xx