Food supplements.

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

When my  Anne had difficulty in eating her community dietician offered her a brand of NHS  food supliment that completely evades my memory. I know  Anne hated that stuff from 20yrs ago when she faught and won against Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. So the dietician mentioned another brand also available on the NHS. It's called Fresubin Creme. Anne tried a sample pack and liked it. Full of flavour plus  vitamins, minerals and protein. Her favourites were. Vanilla. Chocolate. Custard and Espresso flavours, 

Hope this helps. 

Bless Geoff.

  • Hi Geoff999, that’s very kind of you to think of others when I’ve read that you sadly have your wife’s funeral to attend soon. I am sorry for your loss and hope that you are keeping well. This isn’t my group but I was having a look at unanswered posts and couldn’t pass by without a comment. 

    You probably already know this but just in case I’m checking that you know there is a group that may benefit from your kindness and give you some support back

    and an ask an expert section

    This group seems really friendly and supportive I’m wondering if anyone has thought of contacting Community team to express an interest of volunteering as a community champion. Just a thought after my signature is an explanation of what a champion does.

    Take care KT

  • Hi KTatHome

    Thanks for popping in to this group. I think I mentioned the Bereaved Spouse Group in another post but I didn’t give the link so that’s helpful. When my husband died over three years ago I popped in from time to time but I found it a rather depressing place. Those of us who have stayed on here after losing a loved one have found it most helpful.
