Fluid in tummy and infection.

  • 4 replies
  • 25 subscribers

Hi guys, I’m posting again regarding my mother’s pancreatic cancer. The last time I posted I was talking about the fluid in my mums stomach.... well she has been in hospital for a week now she had fluid drained (quite a lot!) and they then found she has an infection so have been treating the infection but in this time her stomach has swollen up with fluid again which is even making her legs and ankles swell. The infection doesn’t seem to be clearing yet, this has pro longed her start of chemo understandably. I’m getting extremely worried about this fluid thing .. are they going to be able to sort this out ?? I’m so worried if anyone else has experienced this or their family has I’d appreciate advice and or just some reassurance that it can be sorted out ?! 

Thank you 

blessings xx 

  • Hi Kezzi

    I don't know things from a medical point of view but I can mention my experience and I know Splodge responded about ascites to an earlier post from you. This is where fluid builds up in the stomach area. This happened to my husband and he needed to have fluid drained twice and it built up again but sadly he died before it could be drained again. The consultant did tell us that it could be drained again and again but that it would always build up as the cancer had spread to the liver.

    The best thing is probably to have a word with your mother's consultant and see what they say.

    I'm sorry it is such a difficult time for you and your mother.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Thank you, yes I spoke to the cancer nurse earlier and unfortunately she’s deteriorating quite quickly. Her kidneys are failing also and she’s still fighting infection. We’ve now been informed that she will not be able to have chemo at all. 

    I just want her to be as comfortable as possible now and obviously spend as much time with her hopefully they can drain some fluid to help her be comfortable. It all feels so cruel she was only diagnosed in June and since then everything has happened ever so quickly. I know and understand it’s this type of cancer and what it does but I feel she’s not even had the chance to fight and I can’t bare to think about losing her this quickly 


  • HI Kezzi

    It is sad that your mother is deteriorating so quickly. The hospital should be able to drain the fluid and that should keep her comfortable. I know we all talk about fighting cancer but sometimes the best result is that the person is comfortable.

    Keep posting and we will try to support you.


  • Hi Kezzi

    My wife Anne had a similar fluid build up in her stomach but not so much that it had to be drained. Again like you Mum, Anne developed an infection: hers was in the heart. It was Anne's decision to withdraw all medical aid including the meds she had been taking prior to hospital admission. But that's another story. I just wanted you to know that your Mums condition is at the very least along similar lines of my Anne.

    Bless. Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.