And so my Queen Anne is at Peace x

  • 4 replies
  • 24 subscribers

THANK YOU EVERYONE for reading my posts x

It doesn't matter whether you responded  or not. You are all lovely people treading a path of sadness and sometimes despondency. Today I did something from intuition. I swapped a few wall pictures around in our living room and disguarded a mirror which to be honest I've never liked. I placed it outside at the bottom of our drive and within 15mins it was gone. Someone clearly wanted it and I hope they get their own kind of pleasure from it. Making these small adjustments has in its way created a change for me. I wouldn't be so clinical as to say a new life. But there is a freshness to an environment that for too long now has been associated with a constant reminder that 10yrs ago Annes pancreas developed a cyst -  was being monitored - and eventually was responsible for her passing. My darling was so brave during her 'Earth walk.' on the good red road. Now she walks the good blue road of spirit along with the spirit's of those she loved and and once lost. 

Bless. Geoff. x

  • Hi geoff999, I know what you mean about change. After my first husband died I got hold of a paint brush and painted and wallpapered. It was as though I knew nothing would be the same again so let's really change  things and of course it gave me something to do and was quite therapeutic. I did not hold on to his things for too long, I just kept  a few things. I wanted to be free of too many reminders in every room to me they weren't a comfort but a source of pain. As I said, I kept certain things that I can go to when I need to. Everyone is different and you have to do what you need to do. You have been holding your breath for a long time and you can now breathe.  From reading your posts I gather Queen Anne was a wonderful woman who faced life and death with huge courage. She has taught me humility and bravery from what you have written  left an unexpected legacy to us in this. Just because you make some changes does not mean that she has been forgotten or is being brushed aside, it just means it is a new chapter for everyone. I love to think of her being free, and at peace, enjoying the company of lost loved ones 

    Love is eternal
  • Hi Needing Friends

    What a very sweet and open response. Thank you so much. Thank you so much for sharing with me your very personal and private l experiences. It's folk like you who give me the courage to keep walking on.

    Bless. Geoff.

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember

    Dear Geoff

    I hope you’re managing to get some rest. Unfortunately there is so much to do when someone dies, it’s good to be occupied but I know the exhaustion that comes with caring for someone at the end. 

    I think it’s great to make small changes, anything that helps you is a good thing. There are no right or wrongs just what works for you. We sorted through my mums personal possessions very quickly. My dad found it too upsetting seeing everything he said it felt like she had just gone on a trip and would be returning. 

    These first days are so tough but your new normal will get easier. You obviously have faith which will give you comfort. The thought of meeting up with our loved ones someday takes the fear away. 

    Thinking of you and your family in these difficult days x

  • Hi Kate

    Thanks for responding. Fortunately my daughter Sarah  is dealing with everything for the family so I'm just cruising along at the moment. And I'm happy to have Anne's possessions all around me, it gives the house an element of her still belonging. But today I had to look for something in Anne's purse and  that  felt very intrusive.  I didn't feel at all comfortable. Anne and I slept in seperate bedrooms because of Anne's continuing  health issues. However  since she passed I've been sleeping in her bed and wake every morning sensing a type of peace and calm. Maybe this is the quiet before the storm? 

    Bless. Geoff.

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.