My Darling Queen Anne has Passed Over

  • 14 replies
  • 26 subscribers

My Friends x

The love of my life Anne passed over into spirit at 2-45pm yesterday Friday 12th July. Sarah our  beloved daughter had done the night shift as we called it  ( Anne was never left alone 24/7) and went home shattered at about 2pm leaving Matt our super son and I with their Mum. Shortly before our Anne passed Matt popped out to go to the hospital shop. I was alone and looking into my darlings eyes they seemed so dull with tiny pupils. I started to talk to her saying how much she was loved. Suddenly her eyes came alive and her pupils grew bigger. I noticed a tear drop forming in the corner and I said. Oh my love let me just dab a tissue near your eye you have a tear. I carried on saying loving things to her and had to dab another tear drop away. Her eyes were so full of life and it was then that I noticed my darling Anne has stopped breathing.I carried on talking to her and kissing her sweet little face  until I knew she had truly passed and called the nurse. That was the most Spiritual time of my life and I was so grateful my Queen Anne never once suffered any pain. I feel HONOURED to have seen my sweetly pie pass away in my presence with such peace. Matt came back about 10mins later and I shared with him what I've just told you before phoning our Sarah. Last night I slept at home  in Queen Anne's bed and woke up this morning with a feeling of peace and calm. I'll always remember my darlings eyes coming to life as I said loving things to her just before and after she passed over into spirit. I have been truly blessed. Non of my words above can truly described my Anne and I last moment together. I have shed tears this morning but with peace that my twin soul is no longer suffering.  ALL OF YOU GOOD PEOPLE on our site I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support whilst suffering yourselves. 

  • Good morning Geoff

    I am sorry to hear of your Queen Anne’s passing. However, it sounds very peaceful and good. I’m sure she knew you were there. And, as you say, it is marvellous that she had no pain as so many people with this awful cancer do.

    i hope you will stay with us here and help others in due course.

    Meanwhile, you will shed tears and there will be sad times. I don’t believe you ‘get over’ the death of a loved one but you adjust and your life changes and as a friend of mine has said, ‘you get used to it’.

    Thinking of you, Sarah and Matt and your wonderful Queen Anne.



    You and Splodge have been my rock over these difficult times. You do such marvellous and comforting work staying with this site after suffering  your own devestating losses.

    BLESS YOU. Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Dear Geoff

    That sounds like it was very beautiful. I’m so pleased for you that it was just the two of you at such an intimate time. I hope you can get some rest now. 

    Much love to you x

  • Hi geoff999, have just read your posts and those that have responded, all so heartfelt and beautiful. Perhaps relief and peace are the right words when a passing is so peaceful, although we went to keep them forever, that would not be fair. It would be appreciated if, as others have so rightly mentioned, you could stay on this site. Wisdom and experience are so valuable to all of us who tread this path, but only if it is right for you. You need to rest and heal. You need to look after yourself and your family. Wishing you you a peaceful day 

    Love is eternal
  • Thank you Needing Friends x

    Thank you for your loving words.  I intend  to stay on this site to hopefully  walk alongside those who are finding their lives turned upside down with this awful disease. I know any contributions I make can never take the pain and anxiety away. However  an old Saying comes to mind. " The road to hell is paved with good intentions."  I've got previous history for messing up by getting too involve. Yet to withdraw and respond in a clinical way to me is not the way I am. Ive yet to to find who  I really am because a short while ago there was "Us." And now there is only "Me." 

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hello Geoff

    Your  and your family's devotion to Anne was plain to see. the courage to share your experience with others has really been an inspiration. Do not feel guilty about being too involved as I cannot imagine how it could have been any other way.

    Other ' friends' have eloquently expressed their feelings about your sad loss and I do not mind admitting I shed a tear today

    Please keep strong and I know that other people will benefit from you 'walking alongside' them me included

    Very best wishes


  • Thank you Kev. 

    I don't know what more I can say. 

    Bless Geoff

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Geoff. I am not from this group, but have followed your posts. I am really sorry to hear to the loss of your Queen. It will be hard for you over the next days, but can I say that being with someone you love at the very end will be something you will never forget. In the future, that special moment will come as a great source of comfort, and one day you will smile at the happy times you had together. Best wishes.

    Best wishes to All,   rily.

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  • Thank you Rily from the bottom of my heart x

    Bless Geoff

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    Dear Geoff,

    I'm so sorry for the passing of your lovely Queen Anne, It did sound so peaceful, and I'm sure it was a great comfort to her that you were there, you've been so amazing through all of it, and now she's at peace.
