Coping with mums diagnosis and what to expect

  • 17 replies
  • 25 subscribers

hey I’ve never used a forum before but just trying it out. Just over a month ago my mum went into hospital experiencing trouble with her bowels. After numerous tests/scans still no answers to why she was constipated. After further tests we discovered she had pancreatic cancer, which was a stage 4 as had already spread to her liver and her lungs. 

The news was heartbreaking for us all, I am extremely close with my mother. She is a very strong lady which helps us remain strong. But I’m finding it all so up and down at the moment. While we have waited for more tests things have seemed fairly normal as we had to just get on with things while waiting for further tests. My mum had a biopsy on the liver over a week ago, to see how infected it was that kept us hoping that we’d receive news that the liver could be treated.

The results unfortunately came back as too many lesions in the liver and lungs .. Also now the cancer has spread to the bones too. So they’re saying it’s terminal but she can have treatment. This news brought the pain back instantly. we’re awaiting for her to start intense chemo for three months to see if it will work. She is such a strong woman, she’s the strongest!! ? My mums tummy is swollen so much... almost looks pregnant ! And this at the moment is causing her a lot of discomfort.. she is to have a scan to see what is going on in the stomach area and hopefully reduce the swelling. Does anyone know if this is part of the pancreatic cancer ? As we seem to think could be a separate issue. It’s hard to see her in discomfort and a lot more tired than usual. But once again she is being very strong which I admire. 

I guess I’m on here to mainly hear others journeys with pancreatic cancer. Maybe some positive ones. I have a great support network. But not many people are even aware of this type of cancer. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I know my mum will put up a huge fight but everything has just seemed so negative recently. 

K xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Kezzi

    So sorry to read your message and I feel for you all. 

    Try to keep strong through this difficult time 


  • Hi kezzi, I really feel for you. I don't have any answers but this forum is s a great place to write things down and offload which sometimes helps.You say you have a great support network so that is a positive. Perhaps your gp can arrange counselling for you, Mcmillan can be hugely helpful for both you and your mum. Take whatever help you can get. I bought a little Mexican worry doll who I whisper my worries to at night and then place under my pillow and let her keep them, the worries, for the night. Other people take a pen and paper to bed to write things down if they are worried.. I'm sure that you will find the strength to  be there for your mum, it comes from somewhere. Hope you will keep in touch so we can support and be there for each other x

    Love is eternal
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Needing friends

    I suppose not many will have many answers as everybody’s journey is different. Just thought I would post on here to hear of others stories etc. Thank you for your kind words and advice. The worry doll sounds like a great idea! I am strong as I was raised by a strong woman I guess just had a bad couple of last days. I hope you are keeping strong too I don’t know about you’re situation but you must be on this forum for a reason xx 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you 

  • Hi Kezzi

    I am so sorry to hear about your Mum.

    The thing I have learned is that Pancreatic Cancer develops in different ways with different people as you suggest so it’s difficult to suggest a path that this will take. But another thing I have learned is the most important person is always the patient. Be guided by your Mum and what treatment she wants to have. Take one day at a time.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Thank you for your message. I guess my mums main concern at the minute is her swollen tummy. And we’re not sure if this is a part of the cancer or something else ? does anyone know if the stomach can become very swollen during pancreatic cancer ? I’ve also heard a lot about CBD oils that can help with pain etc. Also trying to research that more and hear if anyone has used them and has any feedback? 

    Guess that’s my whole point of coming on here. I just want to be able to help her understand what treatments there are and what can help her with pain. I would do anything for her. I feel I can’t help her if I’m not prepared myself ! 

    Everyones messages have been great though thank you all 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Thank you for your message. I guess my mums main concern at the minute is her swollen tummy. And we’re not sure if this is a part of the cancer or something else ? does anyone know if the stomach can become very swollen during pancreatic cancer ? I’ve also heard a lot about CBD oils that can help with pain etc. Also trying to research that more and hear if anyone has used them and has any feedback? 

    Guess that’s my whole point of coming on here. I just want to be able to help her understand what treatments there are and what can help her with pain. I would do anything for her. I feel I can’t help her if I’m not prepared myself ! 

    Everyones messages have been great though thank you all 

  • Hi kezzi, my partner has pancreatic cancer, we are at a point where he had a whipples last November following diagnosis last August. Initially he recovered brilliantly, but over the last couple of months his appetite has gone, he is now living almost entirely on prescribed shakes. His blood tests were a cause for concern but a scan was clear, we don't know what to think. Am waiting for the results of a blood test taken last Friday to find out more. He has obviously lost a huge amount of weight and suffers back and abdominal pain. He is not the easiest patient. So glad you are feeling a little better and have found some strength. We all suffer the highs and lows  xx

    Love is eternal
  • Sorry, just wanted to add that hat I bought the Mexican worry doll on a whim because the money was going to charity. Its not something I thought I would do, but as I had it I thought why not give it a proper go. Surprisingly, I think it has helped. Don't knock it until you try it I say, we all need any help we can get 

    Love is eternal
  • Hi Kezzi

    Often with pancreatic cancer the abdomen swells with fluid trapped there. This is known as ascites. I don’t know if this is what your Mum has. It can be drained in hospital.

    i don’t have any experience of CBD oils.

    I think you said your Mum was waiting to hear about getting chemo. In the meantime it might be worth contacting her GP to prescribe stronger pain killers. Also mention the swollen stomach.
