Feeling lost

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  • 25 subscribers

Hello, on Thursday morning I felt that partner deteriorating and no one seems to understand. I phoned gp surgery to ask if buscopan would be all right to take with other meds as pain is almost constant, or if they had any suggestions. I also said we hadn't heard from dietician receptionist told me to phone hospital re dietician and she would speak to doctor re pain relief. Dietician office said he wasn't on the list and could take 14 weeks, I told them we couldn't wait that long so they said someone would phone me that afternoon. I also spoke to hospital oncologist receptionist re his condition and she gave me the number of the specialist nurse, and I left a message with her. In the meantime the GP phoned and asked to see partner and she adrred when she saw him that it was too long to wait for next oncologist appointment and ordered bloods, she was on the verge of admitting him but decided to wait until Monday, when we have to phone her back. She said to get in touch anytime over weekend if needed. Dietician phoned back that afternoon and asked if we had received the appointment for next Friday at 2pm. I said no but had an appointment with General surgery, she asked who we would be seeing and when I read the name she said that was the dietician and she agreed it was confusing! 

Yesterday afternoon partner found energy to buy an expensive car without me seeing it. I was hoping for a bungalow on a bus route. I know it's his money and holidays and meals are not happening at the moment, but I still felt hurt. I tried not to say how I felt as I really don't want memories of shouting and screaming 

  • Hi Needing friends

    You are doing an amazing job supporting your partner and getting the appointments organised.

    I can understand how you feel about the car. But these are strange times with your partner unwell. If you possibly can I’d try to put it to one side and, as you say, not have memories of shouting.


  • Hi Needing Friends.

    I think Sqeaky gave the right opinion. To add a thought -  and nothing else.   As a man he could have bought that new expensive car to endorse what he may feel at this time  is a losing  of  his masculinity and control.  At a time when he feels so vulnerable. I'm no psychologist so I could be completely wrong. Yet if I'm going down the right path it represents NO  reflection or loss of the love he feels for you. In a nut shell. ' It's a man thing.'  Us men do have a habit of running away to ' Our man cave.' when life overwhelms us. Unlike women who have the strength to face up to problems. Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus. Interesting book I found. Stay strong my friend. Everything will pan out in the end. 

    Stay safe. Geoff x

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember

    Hi needing friends 

    You really have been getting the run around which you certainly don’t need. I am a huge supporter of the NHS as when it works you couldn’t wish for better however at times when dealing with different departments you can spend hours getting pushed from pillar to post and getting no further forward.

    I would suggest getting in touch with PALS at your hospital. I did this when my mum was first diagnosed and we couldn’t get any answers. They were so helpful and got in touch with everyone on our behalf and chased things up and even got an oncologist appointment that day when we had been told to expect an appointment in a few weeks.

    Why not give them a call and explain how stressed you are from all this confusion and I’m sure they will help get things moving. The woman who helped me was amazing she said my mum was her client and would be as long as needed and visited my mum every time she was admitted to hospital just to see if she could help with anything. 

    Do you have anyone supporting you? It seems you are taking on the burden of your partners illness but you need someone to talk to also. It’s so important to look after yourself as well. Much love to you x

  • Thank you Kate, that is something I will look into. Will update when I hopefully  speak to gp today x

    Love is eternal
  • Hi geoff999, thank you for finding the time to reply when you are going through so much yourselves.. I do read your posts and think of you, sometimes there are no words, we just send virtual hugs. I think you are so right in everything you say re the car, and I have accepted that it is not a total loss of money and he  should have whatever gives him some pleasure. I really don't mind now I have had my rant. As you say we all get a bit frazzled. Hope you have a peaceful day xx

    Love is eternal
  • Thankyou so much squeaky, I have now calmed down internally and am happy if it gives him some pleasure. 

    Love is eternal
  • Just to say blood results are pretty good, liver fine, slightly anaemic and tumour marker slightly raised but nothing like before the operation. Prescribed iron and ammitryptaline which can help with nerve pain as well as sleep and lift mood. Let's hope he gives them a better chance. The question remains why can't or won't he eat as to look at him you would think he was fading fast 

    Love is eternal