
  • 9 replies
  • 25 subscribers

 Went to gp yesterday to see if they could help with symptoms. We have been  reffered to the dietician, prescribed sachets as meal substitutes and an antidepressant which helps sleep and improves appetite. Doctor was both sympathetic and caring and wants to review in a month. Left the surgery feeling happier as if we had a plan and I felt happy that other half hadn't refused the dietician and supplements as a waste of time. He took the tablet last night and had a fair night but very dizzy this morning he came down stairs for half an hour and has now gone back to bed. Have spoken to pharmacist re tablets and these are side effects which could last from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. Whether he wishes to continue with them depends on how bad he feels they are affecting him. So, who knows what the decision is. He is groaning in pain upstairs with?trapped wind, and has taken a couple of solpadeine. Yesterday's high is well and truly over.i know many of you are going through far worseso please forgive my moaning. What to do next I wonder

  • Hi Needing friends

    It is all a bit of a roller coaster. Hopefully these side effects will wear off and your partner will benefit from the medication. Also dietitian should be able to help.

    Just keep on, keeping on. It’s the only way!


  • Thanks squeaky, he was awful yesterday, refusing to speak to his friend who phoned, he barely spoke to me. I told my son in law who asked what the tablets were called and said he had been prescribed them and stopped after one tablet. He felt as Ken did and also became very angry. He said just Google them.,! Partner almost back to pre tablet condition after not taking last night. Have phoned surgery to tell them and they said doctor will phone back, just hope he answers as he is rather uncooperative at times.. I'm sure the tablets suit some people, but they sure are powerful and didn't suit us

    Love is eternal
  • Hi Needing friends

    Some of these pills are very strong. Let us know what the GP says.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Hi needing friends 

    Sorry things are so crappy right now. I really feel for you as it’s so obvious that you’re doing everything you can. As squeaky says some of these drugs really are harsh. Remember to look after your self also, that’s so important and I know none of us ever do enough of that when times are tough.  X

  • Hi Squeaky, as far as i know they didn't phone back. Not 100% sure as I had to work. Will try again this morning. Feel like we are chasing our tails.  Xx

    Love is eternal
  • Managed to get h old of gp receptionist, doctor couldn't phone back as we don't accept withheld numbers. Didn't realise, no ones fault. We have to wait until Monday to give her a mobile number so she can phone us. I asked if I could give the number and if we could book the call now for Monday but we can't, it has to be done on the day. More time wasted trying to get through 

    Love is eternal
  • Hi Needing friends

    That's all a bit disappointing. I'm sorry.


  • Hi Needing Friends 

    I've always thought it bad manners for people to phone whilst with holding their number. Its rather like having a stranger knock at your door and when you ask them who  they are, they  reply  "Sorry I'm with holding that information."  DOOR CLOSED ! But sadly that's how the medical profession works  these days. I really don't know why?  Fortunately our GP's practice doesn't subscribe to it. But Anne's hospital does. So we allow with held numbers through. If its a cold caller and we are'nt at home they never leave a message. But If its  genuine they do. And  if we are at home and a number with held calls -  as well as numbers not on our saved numbers list -  we let it  ring. If they start to use the recorded message facility we pick up - but only  if its some one we want to speak to. Might be a good idea to let with held numbers through as its clearly caused you a lot of worry. I hope this didn't come across as a lecture?  If so Im sorry. 

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Thanks geoff999, to be honest I had completely forgotten that we didn't accept withheld numbers. Even if I had remembered I probably wouldn't have realised that there may be a problem  you are absolutely right re unblocking that service, but as I say will have to phone back up on Monday to book the call with mobile number. Just trying to get through to reception is a trial, it often just rings out. Sadly we can't change surgeries at the moment. Mine is  a little old fashioned looking affair but a lot easier to access. Thinking of you and Anne, we want to know and we don't want to know. The pain 8ssue 8s never addressed. Clear scan so no worries?. He is permanently cold, uncomfortable  and understandably often grumpy. Just playing the waiting game it seems

    Love is eternal