a real downer this weekend

  • 4 replies
  • 24 subscribers

I hope most of you that have read my posts have realised I am trying to take a positive view of what has/and continues to happen to me.

however for the first time since my whipples in April and the commencement of chemo I've had a funny old weekend with 2 unrelated incidents that have left me feeling quite vulnerable

first I was going to see some friends at the pub on Saturday for the first time in weeks [ not to have any alcohol ] but half way there I turned around and came back home. I admit I was feeling a little tired but ultimately I couldn't face them , don't know why , because they have all been very helpful and supportive.

secondly I have a funeral to go to tomorrow so I thought I'd try on my overcoat as the forecast isn't brilliant. well my smart single breasted looked like a double breasted greatcoat , with room to spare , when I put it on. obviously I've lost a fair bit of weight but it was still a bit of a shock

ironically I feel quite good and my oncologist is pleased with the way I've coped with chemo. unfortunately the PICC line means I can't do anything too physical to build up my strength

the other danger is that I am not getting out enough socially and I need to come up with a plan to rectify that.

there was always going to be a blip and I am sure in a few days I'll be back to my less 'vain ' self

best wishes to all


  • FormerMember

    Hi Kevin 

    I’m sorry to read your post because as you say you are always so positive but I really do think it’s understandable for you to have such moments. I won’t pretend to understand what you are going through but just wanted to say go easy on your self, your doing great. Allow yourself a little wobble every now and then. 

    I hope the funeral goes as well as it can, these things always make us think of our own mortality but also remind us that time is short for us all and we have to take pleasure wherever we can. 

    And byw I see nothing wrong with a little vanity! X

  • Hi Kevin 

    I agree with Splodge. From time to time you are going to have a less good day. You have gone through major surgery and now a harsh form of chemo so your body is physically challenged and also mentally challenged.

    You are doing extremely well and I think you will feel better as the week progresses.


  • Hello Splodge and Squeaky

    Yesterday was quite busy so my apologies for getting back to you.

    both of your replies personified the main purpose ot this forum which is to give help and encouragement to those not enjoying the best of times and to people like me who need a little help getting over a bump in the road.

    your comments were/are a real tonic.

    Coincidentally several thing have happened over the last 24 hours which , if you like , have given me a new lease of life. the funeral yesterday for a dear old friend [ he was 92 ] was a true celebration of his full and wonderful life and you don't need to be religious to get a buzz from belting out an old hymn with the church organ thundering in the background. a really uplifting experience.

    yesterday morning another old friend contacted me from a pool side in Tenerife to apologise for not being in touch. she is home on Friday so we'll meet gain for a chat , if I can get a word in edge wise.

    And finally a set letter from the surgery this morning reminded me about a blood pressure check. However my superb GP had taken the time to write a personal note on the bottom reminding me to contact her if I wanted to talk about my treatment. A considerate touch from a lovely lady.

    And finally ,finally the people I met yesterday weren't concerned about my gaunt appearance , there were pleased to see me out and about.

    Thank you once again.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to kevatvinegarhill

    Hi Kevin 

    its good to hear you sounding so positive again. I’m with you on blasting out a good hymn in church (shame I can’t sing but that’s more a problem for people around me).

    Have fun with your friend on Friday, sounds like just the tonic you need x