Pancreatic swelling

  • 4 replies
  • 24 subscribers


my husband has had a few new problems lately that have caused very high swelling of his legs and feet as the body can’t get rid of stuff so everything has gone as gravity does to the bottom ie feet. His tummy has really swollen too due to the growth of tumours and excess fluid but the legs are a bit painful. There is no blockage but I was wondering if anyone had anything drained from their legs. It was slightly touched on by the doctor that it can be done from the liver but no one mentioned legs. We are seeing our GP and hospice this Monday but wondered if anyone’s had any experience of this it has really come on in last few days.  Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks 

  • Hi Tedders

    My husband did have swollen legs but it was just the abdomen that was drained. Hopefully your GP can advise.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Thanks as always for your reply Squeaky. I suppose if the stomach is drained it will hopefully stop it going down to the legs. Was it a quite straight forward procedure to drain the stomach?

  • Hi Tedders

    My husband was drained overnight in hospital and phoned me at 6.45 to say he felt better. He said everything was straight forward and not uncomfortable. I understand that if draining is likely over time that a ‘permanent’ drain is inserted.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    Thanks Squeaky. Hopefully something can be sorted.  It’s good to hear there are options to make him more comfortable