An update from me...and a heartfelt thank you..

  • 11 replies
  • 25 subscribers

just realised I'd not been in here myself since just before my OP...good to see some familiar faces still offering great advice n support ...sad to hear that Lady P has left us...she was a  very inspirational lady Disappointed relieved

for those that don't know my story...I was diagnosed with PC last July...told far too big to be operated on so started  chemo in Sept ...a scan late Nov showed it had shrunk so they stopped chemo in Dec to get me fit enough for the OP.

Fast forward to end of Feb and I was admitted for the Whipples...10.5 hours in theatre later I woke up with more tubes in and out of me that I would ever have thought possible (note here...I was told I was so unfit at my preop fitness test that I'd be days longer in hospital if I even survived the op...I was scared witless at that point  but being as how I was deemed to have  no chance without the OP it was more a case of 'Hobsons  choice '

I spent 3 days in the HDU then onto surgical for another 5 days...then I was told I was going home on day 8 Hushed

I was bloody terrified of going felt far safer...but...after one ward lock down for flu...then one for D &V...home  began to look much better lol  Rofl

Surgeon wasnt too confident he'd got it a cos my tumour had wrapped itself around the main  vein to the  bowel so I had an anxious 10 days waiting to  be told if more  chemo was needed...and a phone call from the nurse coordinator confirmed an oncolgists appointment was on it's way...

Finally gets to see the surgeon...who greets me with a massive smile on his face...tumour on removal was a signs of spreading...checked 20 odd lymph glands n nothing had spread...he queried might not need any more chemo...but check with oncologist 

Finally saw her 2 weeks later...first time I ever seen her smile so be told...go away live your guarantees it wont come back...  but for're as clear as we can tell ...she did add back last September they'd classified it as a T4 tumour and inoperable...and I'd surprised all of them Thumbsup

all I  can say is...I think I'm glad no-one told me that...and as bad as it got...the chemo did it's jobThumbsupGrin

to everyone fighting this God awful disease...I'm thinking of you.

To the people on here who support  everyone and offer kind and encouraging are amazing and helped me when I've been frightened and scared 

thank you xxx

  • Hi Rox55

    What a wonderful inspirational letter Thumbsup  Your courage, bravery and successful  outcome is a joy to read. I'm sure it will give much hope to others who are facing such awful times regarding this evil disease. Very good luck for the future and as was said to you 'Now go live your life.' 


    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Geoff999

    thank you ...just wanted...hopefully give little back Grin

  • Hi Rox

    It is good to hear such a positive result. I’m so happy for you.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Squeaky

    cheers Squeaky...

    and thank you for all your support and advice...both to me and to everyone else 

    you're a star Star2


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Rox

    what fantastic news, I’m so happy for you. Unfortunately you get used to seeing names disappear on this site so it’s wonderful when someone comes back with such an inspirational story. Good for you and I agree get out and live x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    aww...ty Splodge...and again...thank you for your kind words an encouragement when I first got on here too are a star Star2


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    hi all....not been in here for a while and not been getting any updates for some reason...suddenly I see a couple....not sure what happened to the rest lol 

    thought I'd add to my story so far......

    reality is....that its so far so seems to be sorted unless I forget to take my creon...(and my body soon reminds me if I forget...anyone else wish they'd got shares in a loo roll company RoflRofl)

    I've started back to work on my phased return at the mo...only done one full day....and that was yesterday and I was absolutely cream of week just mornings so I'm feeling much better right now than I did yesterday ...hopefully stamina  will improve n I will get back to full time...though the though of 60 hour weeks doesn't actually fill me with joy...then again I'm 63...64 in Nov...n if I cant cope...I have the option of taking early retirement so there's always that!....and considering a year ago I wasnt expected to survive this year...I'm definitely not grumbling Grin

    hoping everyone is as well as they can be to all of you...

    this site is amazing for all the help and support it offersThumbsupThumbsupThumbsup

  • Hi Rox55

    I haven't been getting any posts at all until a few days ago , I thought it was my computer skills at fault but maybe not.

    excellent news that you are making progress. I am 8 down 4 to go in a 12 cycle chemo and luckily I am retired as the fatigue can be quite severe some times.

    think seriously about early retirement as opposed to 60hr weeks. I know which I would choose

    glad to hear from you , you sound in fine spirits

    best wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to kevatvinegarhill

    thanks Kevin...n good luck with the rest of your chemo...the fatigue is awful isn't it...think I  spent 6 months doing very little with no energy at all and I only finished up having 8 lots when they decided to try the op and thankfully didnt need anymore after Thumbsup

    Retiring is still a possibility...I think if I could get my government pension early I certainly would but thanks to the change in pension age I have to wait til I'm 66 for that one so for the moment...and the morgage...I'll try n keep going...but will be putting my health first from now on...n if it all becomes too much I shall definitely stop working Thumbsup

    Best wishes to you ...I hope all goes well Grin

  • Hi Rox and Kevin

    Great to hear things are going well.

    It has been quiet in here recently.

    i hope things continue to go well for both of you and you might be able to retire, Rox. Health is most important.
