Day of anger

  • 4 replies
  • 26 subscribers

woke up this morning so frustrated and angry about my husbands terminal cancer. He had whipped procedure last year he’s 55; and otherwise fit and healthy.

now been diagnosed with secondary cancers one in liver another attached to abdominal wall and bowel. Oncologist consultant says no operation and about to begin intensive chemotherapy sessions to shrink tumours.

we Are living such a surreal life at the moment and just want our ordinary lives back un hindered 

i am not coping well today...all smiles on the outside but emotional turmoil and angry inside 

pended up planting bedding plants in the rain crying....and then kicked the garden gate !

does the stress factor get better as you tread the path?

  • Hello Scampdog

    I certainly understand how you feel. My husband had the Whipple procedure but the cancer returned almost immediately.

    i think we all experience stress in a different way. The way I coped was to take one day at a time and try to find some pleasure for both my husband and myself.

    coming on here to talk about things sometimes helps.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Scampdog,

    I am so sorry to hear of your husbands cancer, although it is not my husband who has this terrible disease it's my Grandma I think like you I am experiencing the same feelings of anger.

    Like Squeaky said everyone deals with stress and upset in different ways, however if you want to vent, and talk then this group is such a good place to do that, I personally have felt like I can say how I'm feeling here without having to upset my relatives and Grandma and feel like I am being selfish by thinking how I will feel.

    How is your husband feeling at the minute? and do you have support around you?

    Here if you ever want to talk and need an ear to listen.


  • Hi Scamp

    Moments of anger effect me to. Although fear and anxiety tend to dominate the most. Waking up first thing in the morning with butterflies  in my stomach and feeling Oh God not this again!  The other day Anne was having a bad time swallowing her Creon tablets as her swallow reflex is not good, and whilst attempting to eat a meal she clearly didn't want. I realised  tears were flowing down my cheeks which Anne spotted. I said don't worry love I'm just having one of my moments. And bless her she replied. I hope its not self pity. She's so strong and pragmatic. However  in my angry moments ( without alcohol) I decide there is no God. Just a power source that rules the world and gets off on peoples suffering. Yet being  a man a few beers later I'm more relaxed. It's taken my lovely wife ages to accept and understand that its a man's way of coping so I don't get the lecture anymore ' You'll never find the answer to your problems in the bottom of a glass.' And of course you can't,  but it does take the sting out of the situation. At least for a while. We've been married  50yrs this September and Anne is my twin soul. Will we see our anniversary? Quite frankly if there is a God I've asked that I'm taken to when Anne passes because without her I'm just a waste of space on this Earth that another could take. I'm not a 'me' person you see. Now I'm going to allow myself to kick the garden gate and blaspheme to my hearts content. 

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hi geoff999, just read your post to scamp. I understand how you feel, I wonder, like many other people, who will hold my hand and be there when it is my time? Yes, it is s self pity, but I did hope that it would have been my other half. I feel its also hard coping with knowing how they must feel and not being able to make it right. One day at a time, many hugs to you both

    Love is eternal