Long term side effects from whipple surgery

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  • 35 subscribers

I had my whipple surgery 4 years ago.  Different forms of sickness turns up often.  I recently have frequent terrible abdominal cramps when I sleep. My GI explains this is the adhesions (internal scar tissue) resulted from the surgery.  May I know any of you experience the same problem? How do you overcome it? 

  • Sorry some were auto corrected

  • My whipple procedure was in response to an islet cell tumor when I was 38 in 2004, with AWESOME Dr. Pitt at IUPUI Medical Center in Indianapolis.  I went on to be pregnant with twins the next year, who were 7 weeks premature but are now beautiful, tall, healthy, redheaded young women.  I, too, have intermittent abdominal cramping that basically hits me every 1-2 months, brought on largely by stress.  I imagine strands of scar tissue blocking the normal movement in the small intestine;  this is supported by the fact that if I just lie down, massage my belly or apply heat to relax the muscles, and keep massaging, I can feel and hear the food move, and the pain passes.  I feel "echos of this for another day or two, but then it goes away.  I have had two incidents that are worth noting:  once, after eating seafood in China, I had horrible cramping with diarrhea with orange oil in it -- not a good sign.  I avoid shellfish and haven't had that issue since.  Secondly, I did develop a bleeding ulcer from the stress of making the set for a school play, so now I try to limit my stress as well.  I take no extra supplements (although I probably will soon, more for menopause than for my pancreas), and I take Miralax daily in my coffee.  I limit, but don't completely avoid, fried or fatty foods, but they don't bother me if I keep my gut moving.  I consider myself extremely lucky.  Good luck to all of you as well. 

  • I had my whipple surgery followed by chemo about 2.5 years ago (Male, 59yrs at surgery). I lost about 20kg during these interventions and I am not able to gain any weight so far (I look quite emaciated). About 6months after surgery, I developed severe heart palpitation especially in the mornings. A battery of tests were conducted and my heart was ok and no medicine was prescribed. Then I had to research myself and started supplements containing Magnesium and B1. This worked like a magic and I no longer got the issue.

    I never faced any pain after the procedure. the only aftereffect I face now is tiredness in the mornings..say once a week.

    Initially, I had a problem of infrequent diarrhea. But for last one year, my stomach is well settled. The only food item I avoid is sandwiches that contain butter. I eat everything in small quantity and mostly vegetables and fruits. I take one Creon1000 tablet a day with lunch. I walk for about 8kms everyday and I feel it is important to keep our body mobile. It is important to be patient and give our body a chance to heal itself. 

    Wish you all the best.

  • i had mine a month ago n now when i bend over i throw up plus gas heart burn