Long term side effects from whipple surgery

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I had my whipple surgery 4 years ago.  Different forms of sickness turns up often.  I recently have frequent terrible abdominal cramps when I sleep. My GI explains this is the adhesions (internal scar tissue) resulted from the surgery.  May I know any of you experience the same problem? How do you overcome it? 

  • I had my whipple surgery 2.5 years ago and I too suffer exactly what your describing!    At last I have found someone out there who understands and I know longer feel its all my own making or I am paranoid    I am glad (if that's the appropriate word) that there us also an explanation which is great to know   :)    my upper GI doc has never really made me feel confident   J feel he thinks I am just another middle aged female whinging who should be grateful that came through successfully (touchwood) so sleepless nights  cramps sickness diarrhoea  Chronic &offensive smelling flatulence  faecal incontinence etc.... is just something I'm going to have to put up with 

    Great to know I am not a faddy whinging female 

    Regards and best wishes


  • Dear Catlyn, I feel for you.  I know exactly what you are talking about.  In March it will be 12 years since my Whipple and I am still dealing with all the symptoms you mention.  I keep on changing upper GI doctors and I have not been able to find anyone who would sympathize.  They refuse to give me any kind of medication because I take too many medications already, which none are for my gastric symptoms.  It is very frustrating. Stay strong and good luck! 

  • Hi, I too had whipple surgery almost 4 years ago now and I have had the same, however my dietician helped to sort out some of the issues by getting me to follow a low fod map diet usually shows IBS, this has helped to recognise certain foods that cause the cramps and sickness and avoiding them has helped me tremendously, it might be worth asking your dedicated nurse about it or if you can talk to a dietician. I can honestly say it is not easy at first but once you can identify the foods that trigger a reaction then it all falls into place and it is then up to you whether you want to eat those foods and put your self through the discomfort.  Just to let you know that dairy and wheat are my main triggers.  Hope this helps and would love to know how you get on.

  • It has been just over 4 years since my Whipple surgery.  I did not have the benefit of a dietician to guide me, but pain is a good teacher.  I found that my main problems were caused by eating animal fats and oils.  Having adjusted my diet to avoid these foods has helped me tremendously.  I rarely eat red meat, and then only lean cuts.  I derive most of my protein from seafood (not fried), grains  (cereal) and protein bars.  I avoid dairy products except some occasional cheese. Pasta and other carbohydrates are easy to digest, but you need to be mindful of the calories and limit these foods.  I also found that I could purchase over the counter Pancreatin & Ox bile extract at a fraction of the cost of the prescription equivalent.

  • Omg your symptoms are me exactly. 

  • Hi       yes    J get woken jnnthe night woth cramps  abdo pains and a terrible urgency to evacuate my bowels which often just produces squiggles of smelly poo ( excuse using that word but it is what it is Slight smile        I was put on Buscopan and Loperamide and codeine 30mg which helps tremendously     n pk the codeine makes me feel drowsy but what the ' eck      it helps          hopento hea4 from you

    Rega4ds/best wishes


  • I had the Whipple in Houston at MD Anderson 15 years ago and had 2-3 months of the symptoms discussed here before I went back to normal. I think the skill of the surgeon and the experience of the facility contributed to my great result. My b est advice make sure you have the best hospital and surgeon. After I learned how bad pancreatic cancer was I took 30 supplements aday for 2 years, doubled dowen on tumeric. Still taking them 15 years later and I think they have made a difference in my recovery.

  • Oh and the other thing is the dietician told us there was "no evidence" an alkaline diet helped but all the foods she told me to eat were alkaline? Imagine?

  • Could you share with me the supplements that you take? How long after the surgery did you start them? Thank you!

  • Yes I take 4 mags of Tumeric with black pepper or pepperoni to aid in absorption. I take Vitamin E,C, D and alpha lipoid acid, taurine  -amino acids for basic health and all the immune system supplements I can stand. I take mullein because the operation caused my lung capacity to decrease. I also bought 4 snake plants to increase oxygen in house, selenium, açaí berries-supplement form, CQ-10 olive leave extract, garlic, milk thistle and saw palmetto I take a couple more amino acids but I’m at office not at home can’t remember which one other than alpha lipoid acid.