Pancreatic cancer with spinal metastasis

  • 5 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Hi, my dad has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer within the last 8 weeks, since then they have found it to be in his spine: we are still waiting for The results of his biopsy and for any advice on chemotherapy. We have been advised it is only palliative chemotherapy but had no prognosis and the palliative input is difficult to obtain. Does anyone have any advice or can give me more information on where to go as I think there is a delay in treatment. 

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community though sorry to hear about your dad.

    Biopsy results can take some time but the doctors should be able to give him some idea as when they expect to get the result, that should then help to inform the multi disciplinary team as to what chemotherapy might be best. In terms of prognosis - it is worth thinking if that is useful as it can only be at best based on averages and then of treatments available 5 or 10 years ago though of course once you have a date it cannot be forgotten.

    If you find you cannot get answers from the clinical team it might be helpful to try to contact the patient advice and liaison service as they can often help move things on.



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  • Hi Steve, 

    thank you for your response we really appreciate it! I agree that prognoses can be limiting however my Dad is extremely matter of fact and particular and his wish is to know what we are working towards. He has been so amazing and brave and I’m proud of him. 

    I didn’t mention in my post that I am a surgical nurse myself and I am aware of the pathways etc but feel somewhat let down by the system with my dads care, we have struggled and had to push for any intervention and having to advocate for someone so close has felt inappropriate at times. I just want the best for him and we felt a bit lost in the system and naive to the process was hoping for some similar stories to know what to expect. 

    much appreciated for your response and kind words 

  • I know how you must be feeling. My husband has pancreatic cancer and waiting for the results felt like forever.I like you thought every minute was a delay in treatment. My husband also had biopsies and Its  incredibly hard wait and my heart goes out to you and your dad. You ate not alone on this journey and my thoughts are with you

  • We have been to our first oncology appointment today, confirmed as stage 4 and only palliative chemotherapy. My dad has been so brave and matter of fact but today after finalising the diagnosis he has been more open with his feelings. We know the outlook isn’t positive and going forward we just want him to have some quality of life. I’m here for you too  and hope you and your husband are coping with this cruel disease. My dad is lucky he has someone with medical knowledge to guide him as truly I think we would be lost otherwise. I’m here to support anyone if I can too. Best wishes 

  • Its so hard to know what to say its such a hard diagnosis to absorb. Your dad sounds amazing and he is just so lucky to be surrounded by such a supportive family. My husband is having chemotherapy but its on and off, his blood results have been up and down. Its been a really difficult journey but I have the support  of my children and without them I think  we both would have succumbed to the darkness of this diagnosis. It has been with their support thay we can appriciate every day and enjoy those moments together.Im a mum to so there are times I want to protect my children even though they are grown up now and those are the times you feel alone. But honestly trust me your dad will face anything  because he has the love and support of such a wonderful family and there is simply no price you can put on that. Im thinking about you all right now and want to say thanyou for your kind words