CA Antigen 19-9 level

  • 1 reply
  • 23 subscribers

My dad who is in his early 80s recently had his blood tests done and had one abnormal reading - his CA Antigen 19-9 level was just over 50. Normal range is around 27. I've heard that high levels of CA 19-9 tends to be associated with cancer of the pancreas, bowel, gallbladder, bile duct, lung. Is this true?

He has had no symptoms apart from the right side of his abdomen gets distended. 

He has been referred to further tests (CT scan) in a couple of weeks so not long to wait. But just wondering if anyone has had these high levels of this CA 19-9 Antigen and what this usually means?? 

  • Hello LBC2024

    I am sorry to hear of your concerns over your Dad's blood tests. It is good that he has been referred for further tests and I hope that these bring some clarification to what is causing the raised CA19-9. 

    We are not medically trained on here but you could post in the Ask an Expert Section and one of the nurses will respond. (normally within 3 working days)

    (+) Ask a Nurse | Get answers about cancer | Macmillan Online Community

    For a quicker response you could call the Support Line. The details are below.

    Hope this helps and Dad gets some answers soon. 



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm