What to do

  • 4 replies
  • 23 subscribers

Hi , I’m not sure if I have pancreatic cancer or something else. I have on and off tummy pains and right side middle of my back is painful sometimes. It comes and goes but my back has been like that for over 2 years. I feel always bloated and I’m always constipated. Feel fatigued. Sometimes feel nauseous but not all the time. Weight is stable. I just feel that something is not right. I have done blood test and my ca19-9 is  high . I have done bloods privately so not sure should I worry  and talk with my doctor to have more tests done or because my symptoms are mild I shouldn’t panic and just wait and see how I am. 
Thank you. 

  • Hi  

    It's always worrying when you don't feel well and it's natural to jump to the worse case scenario.

    My advice would be to make an appointment to see your GP so that you can checked out.

    I'm not a member of this forum, so have no idea if your symptoms could be pancreatic cancer, but the GP will be able to assess you.

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  • Hi  

    How did you get on when you rang your GP today? Were you able to make an appointment?

    Community Champion Badge

     "Never regret a day in your life, good days give you happiness, bad days give you experience"

  • I have rang and booked an appointment . It’s on 5th of August. I just really want to find out why my Ca19-9 is higher than normal. 

  • That's good. Not too long to wait Slight smile

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