Pancreatic cancer diet

  • 8 replies
  • 24 subscribers

Is there a specific diet for people with pancreas cancer? My husband was diagnosed 2 months ago and he is undergoing chemotherapy right now. He is very nauseous the three days after the chemo and the medication help just a bit. He doesn’t eat these three days, almost nothing and of course is loosing weight. I wander if the days when he is better after chemo he can eat everything, or should he keep some diet restriction? Thanks

  • Hi my husband has just finished his first round of chemo for pancreatic cancer as well. He’s been violently sick for three days hasn’t eaten and can’t keep water down either. We had paramedics out this morning, they gave my husband fluids intravenously x

    we have met up with a dietitian at guy’s hospital and she told us not to worry about diet. As I’d been trying to make sure he ate fresh food ect xx

  • I had severe nausea and pain when I was diagnosed. Although the pain settled almost immediately after stsrting Chemo the nausea took a while to settle maybe 4 rounds of Chemo. Yes I lost a lot of weight but I put it back on when I could eat properly again so don't worry unnecessarily. One thought is he taking Creon. It is an enzyme that helps you absorb the nutrients that are missing because of the tumour is preventing absorbation. I was told full fat milk, cheese and yogurts. Scones and ice cream are full of calories and of course healthy dinners  breakfast and tea. Hope this helps

  • Thanks for your input!

  • Thank you! I did ask the oncologist about Freon, but was told that it is not necessary yet. Will ask again.

  • Hi…There are special protein shakes, which the hospital dietician can prescribe.Abbot 1.5KCal in different flavours. he should also request a meeting with the specialist oncology dietitian.

    Hope this helps?


  • Thanks! Will try.

  • This is the biggest challenge as a carer. Try everything. Buy marvel milk powder mix it with soup. Add it to everything you can for calories. 

    It's heartbreaking as a carer to try all these things to no result.