Symptoms and tests for Pancreatic Tail Cancer or Abdominal Lymphoma, very concerned and looking for advice

  • 7 replies
  • 23 subscribers


Im a 31yo male and have been suffering symptoms that seem very similar to those of Pancreatic Tail Cancer or Abdominal lymphoma.

My main symptoms are:

Discomfort/pressure sensation in left abdomen under ribs and on reverse area in back, lower back pain when standing for more than 5 minutes, loss of appetite and weight loss (2kg in 3 weeks), floating light brown/slightly yellow stool that often has undigested vegetable matter in it and absolutely crippling anxiety that is destroying my mental state.

Tests I've had:

Routine blood work which showed ever so slightly raised bilirubin but normal other levels, I have had slightly raised bilirubin for 7 years.

Standard stool test that came back normal

Amylase blood test that came back normal. 

Ultrasound that showed everything normal but could not scan the tail of my pancreas or stomach/intestines.

CT with IV contrast dye, I am waiting on these results.

Stool elastase test, I am waiting on these results. 

I do not fit into the risk factors for pancreatic tail cancer, I am not a smoker and I haven't had alcohol in 5 years, prior to that I was not a heavy drinker, I don't do any form of drugs, I am not overweight, no family history of pancreatic cancer and no previous pancreas issues.

But the symptoms I'm experiencing are so similar to accounts of early symptoms for pancreatic tail cancer and also some abdominal lymphomas.

I'm worrying myself to death about the results coming through and having to start saying goodbye to all the people I love as I know it's a very low chance of extended survival with that diagnosis.

I guess I am looking for advice on how to further get diagnosis. I am seeing an oncologist who specializes in lymphoma Monday evening and hopefully have my CT scan results then too. After which regardless of the results, I assume the next step would be endoscopic ultrasound? 

Can anyone please offer some advice for both my diagnosis process and mental health? 

  • Hi  I have never posted in this group but I help out in our various Lymphoma groups…… when it comes to Lymphoma the main diagnostic tool is a CT/PER scan and biopsy……. bloods show nothing…… Wit’s over 60 types and sub-types of Lymphoma it can be difficult to diagnose and this can take time……. and as Lymphoma is a blood cancer it can show up anywhere in the body.

    I was diagnosed with my type of 8 in a million rare, incurable Non Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL)….… way back in 1999.

    I then had a second rare, more aggressive type of NHL appear in late 2013 and this raised my staging to 4a……. but I turned 68 last Nov and am still living a great life.

    I do hope you get answers soon.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Thank you for your response. That's absolutely incredible and I am so happy for you. Long may you live on!

    I assume then that my upper abdominal and pelvic CT scan will likely show up and issues with my lymph nodes in those areas?

    I also assume that the oncologist that specializes in lymphoma and blood cancers will know what to look for when I see him Monday, so it's just a waiting game.

    Regardless of the diagnosis I hate the waiting, I just feel like whatever is happening is getting worse and worse and potentially becoming incurable as time passes.

  • Your scan may ‘light up’ areas that need to be investigated further….. most likely a biopsy.

    If it is identified as being Lymphoma you would most likely then be transferred to Heamatology as these are the people who are the experts in all things blood cancers.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Understood. May I ask, what was your symptoms of lymphoma? What made you pursue investigation? And how long did it take you to reach your diagnosis?

  • Back in 1998 I had a very small developing rash on my back, my great GP tried everything he had to fix it but it just kept developing…. I was then seen by a very respected Dermatologist who was 99% sure as to the type of Lymphoma I had…. But it took a full year and 5 or 6 biopsies to get the pathology to prove what I had…… 

    My story is rather complicated but you can See my story in the link.

    The Symptoms of Lymphoma can be e er so different from person to person and it’s not that unusual for Lymphoma to be found on the back of investigations for a completely different type of cancer.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Incredible. I didn't even know lymphoma could show as a rash. What an incredible survival story, truly beating the odds and proving that not all statistics can be trusted.

    Thanks for sharing your story and your knowledge with me, I hope you will continue to live and lead a wonderful life.

  • Yes when it comes to Lymohoma it’s very complicated and where the blood flows so does the Lymphoma cells including the skin.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge